Hepatocellular carcinoma,the most common primary liver cancer and a leading cause of death,is a difficult disease to treat due to its heterogeneous nature.Traditional models,such as 2D culture and patient-derived xenografts,have not proven effective.However,the development of 3D culture techniques,such as organoids,which can mimic the tumor microenvironment(TME)and preserve heterogeneity and pathophysiological properties of tumor cells,offers new opportunities for treatment and research.Organoids also have the potential for biomarker detection and personalized medication,as well as genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 to study the behavior of certain genes and therapeutic interventions.This review explores to-the-date development of organoids with a focus on TME modeling in 3D organoid cultures.Further,it discusses gene editing using CRISPR/Cas9 in organoids,the challenges faced,and the prospects in the field of organoids.
funded in part by the Startup Foundation for Advanced Talents and Science and Technology Innovation Foundation at Yangzhou University(137011856,H.S.)
Postgraduate Research&Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province(SJCX22_1831)
WU JIE PING MEDICAL FOUNDATION(No.320.6750.2022-10-11).