

Research on the Selection Mechanism and Countermeasures of Industry-university Cooperation Talent Education
摘要 产学合作协同育人项目推动校企资源共享,更能提高人才培养供给侧和产业需求侧的对接率。本文利用三年立项数据,分析了不同类型高校和企业在协同项目与合作伙伴选择上的差异。研究结果表明:匹配机制的主要特征是需求导向、优势互补和强强联合;不同类型的高校在项目的选择上存在显著差异;战略性新兴产业对工程科技人才的需求旺盛。为进一步促进我国产学合作协同育人项目深入推进,本文从构建引导机制、激励机制、匹配机制和管理机制四个方面提出了相应对策建议。 The industry-university cooperation collaborative talent education project promotedthe resource sharing and improved the cooperation between the both sides.This paper used the project data from 2016 to 2018 to analyze the selection model of universities and enterprises.The research results show that:(1)the cooperation was demand-oriented,complementary advantages and strong alliances.(2)selection types were different among universities.Research universities pay more attention to the reform of teaching content,;(3)Strategic emerging industries have a strong demand for engineering scientific and technological talents.In order to further promote the cooperative education project,this article putforward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions which focused on the guide and pushing system,matching and managementmechanism.
作者 叶余建 Ye Yujian(School of Management,Hangzhou Dianzi University,Zhejiang Hangzhou,310018)
出处 《评价与管理》 2023年第2期27-31,共5页 Evaluation & Management
基金 浙江省高等教育学会2020年度高等教育研究课题:产学协同育人机制下的校企双向选择行为研究(编号KT2020070)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 产学合作 协同育人 选择机制 Industry-university cooperation Collaborative talent education Selection mechanism
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