
“元季之虎”危素之死考论 被引量:1

A Re-examination on the Death of Wei Su Regarded as a Tiger in the Late Yuan Dynasty
摘要 危素是元末政坛显要、文史大家,明初却沦为贰臣代表,后世文人多津津乐道其“谪守和州余阙庙”的凄惨结局,演绎出诸多故事版本,以至几成定论。事实上,危素晚年虽贬居和州,但并无“守余阙庙”之辱。最早记载此说的《馀冬录》已明言此系传闻,明初正史文集多无记载,后世方志也有质疑。此说产生的历史语境与洪武初期国家形势和帝王心态不合。危素晚年遭遇除却自身失节有愧之外,更多是明初集体处置贰臣策略调整的必然结果。后世文人在国家形势动荡或民主思潮涌动之际,积极书写、评点危素谪死事件,多为宣扬忠君救国思想,也有出于丑化朱元璋历史形象之用心。今人应正确区分洪武初期不断调整的文化政策,避免以讹传讹。 Wei Su was a prominent political figure and a master of literature and history in the late Yuan Dynasty,but he became a representative of turn-coat officials in the early Ming Dynasty.Later generations of literati talked about his tragic ending of"guarding Yuque Temple in Hezhou",deduced many versions of the story,and even reached a conclusion.In fact,although Wei Su was demoted to Hezhou in his later years,there was no humiliation of"guarding Yuque Temple".The earliest record of this was the work of"Yu Dong Lu",stating the rumor.There was no record in the collection of official history in the early Ming Dynasty,and there were also doubts in later local chronicles.The historical context produced by this theory was also inconsistent with the national situation and the emperor′s mentality in the early Hongwu period.In addition to his own shame,Wei Su′s hard lot of later years were more of an inevitable result of the adjustment of the collective disposal of turn-coat officials in the early Ming Dynasty.The reason later generations of literati actively wrote and commented on the incident of Wei Su′s death while the national situation was turbulent or democratic thoughts were surging was largely to promote the idea of loyalty to the emperor and salvation of the country and was also out of the intention to vilify the historical image of Zhu Yuanzhang.We must correctly distinguish the cultural policies that were constantly adjusted in the early days of Hongwu to avoid incorrectly relaying an erroneous message.
作者 陈昌云 CHEN Changyun(School of Literature,Huaiyin Teachers College,Huaian 223300,China)
出处 《东华理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期209-217,共9页 Journal of East China University of Technology(Social Science)
基金 国家社科基金项目“基于新见史料的朱元璋文学研究”(17BZW106)。
关键词 危素 和州 余阙庙 朱元璋 Wei Su Hezhou Yuque Temple Zhu Yuanzhang
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