

Effect of Different Fertilization Treatments on Growth of Three Species of Lauraceae in Island
摘要 为了解不同施肥方式对普陀樟Cinnamomum japonicum var.chenii、红楠Machilus thunbergii、舟山新木姜子Neolitsea sericea 3种海岛樟科Lauraceae树种苗木生长和植株养分累积的影响,本研究通过盆栽试验,对比了不施肥(CK)、施用有机肥(Y)、复合肥(F)及混合肥(YF),对苗木株高、地径生长的影响和植株养分累积的影响。结果表明:(1)施用有机肥(6 g·株^(-1))对普陀樟苗木的株高、地径生长促进效果最佳,分别较CK提高了7.54%和95.07%;施用混合肥(3 g·株^(-1)),对红楠、舟山新木姜子的株高和地径生长具有最佳的促进效果。(2)从3个树种苗木的养分分布特征来看,N、P元素主要积累在根部和叶片,K元素则在根部含量较高;从不同处理比较来看,在复合肥处理和混合肥处理下苗木不同部位N元素的积累量显著高于有机肥处理和CK。不同施肥处理苗木的P元素含量与CK相比无显著差异,只有在复合肥9g·株^(-1)水平下,普陀樟苗木根部的K含量显著高于CK(P<0.05)。(3)相关性分析及Manteltest检验结果显示,土壤pH值对红楠的生长与具有显著的负驱动作用(P<0.01),较低的pH值对红楠苗木生长有较大的抑制作用;土壤N含量对3个树种的株高、地径生长具有正驱动作用(P<0.01)。但是N元素过多积累不利于这3个树种苗木的株高、地径生长,而P和K元素的含量对植物的生长影响并不大。上述研究结果表明,不同苗木对养分需求不同,对普陀樟来说,施用6 g·株^(-1)有机肥能达到最佳育苗效果;对红楠和舟山新木姜子苗木而言,施用3 g·株^(-1)混合肥的育苗效果最佳。 On April 30,2022,3-year seedlings of Cinnamomum japonicum var.chenii,Machilus thunbergia and Neolitsea sericea were potted in Zhoushan,Zhejiang province.Experiment was conducted on fertilization of different quantity of organic fertilizer(Y),compound fertilizer(F)and mixture of organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer(YF),with non fertilizer as CK on May 8,2022.On September 22,2022,the test finished and determination was implemented on height and ground diameter of seedlings,as well as on soil physio-chemical properties and nutrient content in different organs of seedlings.The results revealed that seedling treated by organic fertilizer(6 g/plant)had the best effect of height and ground diameter growth of C.japonicum var.chenii’s(increased by 7.54 and 95.07%compared with CK).For M.thunbergia and N.sericea,the mixture fertilizer(3 g/plant)had the best effect on height and ground diameter.Accumulation of N and P of tested seedlings occurred mainly in root and leaves.In contrast,the accumulation of K only occurred in root.Accumulation of N at different organs of seedlings treated by compound fertilizer and mixture fertilizer was larger than that treated by organic fertilizer and CK.P content in treated seedling had no great difference with that in the control.K content at root of C.japonicum var.chenii treated by compound fertilizer of 9 g/plan was evidently higher than that of CK.Correlation analysis and mantel test resulted that the soil pH had negative relation with growth of M.thunbergia(P<0.01).The N content in soil had positive relation with height and ground diameter growth of three species(P<0.01).The effect of P and K content had no great effect on growth.The result indicated that organic fertilizer of 6 g/plant had the best effect for C.japonicum var.chenii,whereas mixture of 3 g/plant fertilizer for M.thunbergia and N.sericea.
作者 陈闻 邱海嵊 於修龄 吴海平 贺位忠 CHEN Wen;QIU Haisheng;YU Xiuling;WU Haiping;HE Weizhong(Zhoushan Forestry Academyof Zhejiang,Zhoushan 316000,China;School of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang A&FUniversity,Hangzhou 311300,China)
出处 《浙江林业科技》 2023年第4期114-121,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology
基金 浙江省土壤污染生物修复重点实验室开放基金项目(FSLAB2020006) 2021年浙江省林业专项资金项目 舟山市科技计划项目(2019C31034)。
关键词 普陀樟 红楠 舟山新木姜子 施肥 黄腐酸 苗木生长 Cinnamomum japonicum var.chenii Machilus thunbergia Neolitsea sericea fertilization fulvic acid seedling growth
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