

Study on Grade Standard of Bombyx Batryticatus
摘要 目的:针对僵蚕药材质量等级乱象,建立其商品等级标准,并对不同等级僵蚕的质量进行评价。方法:收集102批具有代表性的不同产地及市场的僵蚕药材,采用Pearson相关性分析以及聚类分析方法对僵蚕药材的外观性状进行分析;测定其水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物及白僵菌素含量,筛选僵蚕药材等级划分的参考指标,并制定等级标准。结果:最终确定以长度、条数/500 g、断面丝腺环比例数作为僵蚕药材的外观性状指标,将酸不溶性灰分、浸出物、白僵菌素含量作为其内在成分指标。根据上述指标,将僵蚕药材分为一级、二级、三级和等外品,一级僵蚕:条顺直、形体饱满,长度≥4.0 cm,条数/500 g≤650条,断面亮棕色或亮黑色的丝腺环比例数≥90%;二级僵蚕:条较直、形体较饱满,3.3 cm≤长度<4.0 cm,650条<条数/500 g≤800条,90%>断面亮棕色或亮黑色的丝腺环比例数≥85%;三级僵蚕:条略弯曲、形体较饱满,2.0 cm≤长度<3.3 cm,800条<条数/500 g≤1 100条,85%>断面亮棕色或亮黑色的丝腺环比例数≥80%;一级、二级、三级的酸不溶性灰分均不得过1.0%,浸出物均不得少于22.0%,白僵菌素含量均不得少于0.020%;等外品:多弯曲皱缩,长2-5 cm,条数/500 g>1 100条,断面丝腺环多呈浅棕色或棕色,无丝腺环比例数≤5%,酸不溶性灰分不得过2.0%,浸出物不得少于20.0%,白僵菌素含量不得少于0.015%。结论:本研究建立了僵蚕药材的等级标准,为僵蚕药材的市场等级划分提供依据,并为其质量控制提供参考。 Objective:To establish the commodity specification and grade standard of Bombyx Batryticatus,and evaluate the quality of different grades of medicinal materials when aiming at the quality disorder of Bombyx Batryticatus.Methods:102 representative batches of Bombyx Batryticatus medicinal materials from different producing areas and markets were collected.The appearance properties of Bombyx Batryticatus medicinal materials were analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis and cluster analysis,and the contents of water,total ash,acid insoluble ash,extract and beauverine were determined to screen the reference indexes for the classification of Bombyx Batryticatus medicinal materials and formulate the grade standard.Results:Finally,the length,the number of strips per 500 g and the ring ratio of silk glands in the section were determined as the appearance property indexes of Bombyx Batryticatus,and the contents of acid insoluble ash,extract and beauverine were taken as the internal component indexes.According to the above indicators,Bombyx Batryticatus were divided into grade I,grade II,grade III and unified goods.The grade I:straight and plump,length≥4.0 cm,the number of strips per 500 g≤650,the proportion of bright brown or bright black silk gland ring on the section≥90%.The grade II:straight and plump,3.3 cm≤length<4.0 cm,650<the number of strips per 500 g≤800,and 90%>the proportion of bright brown or bright black silk gland ring on the section≥85%;The grade III:slightly curved and plump,2.0 cm≤length<3.3 cm,800<the number of strips per 500 g≤1100,85%>the number of bright brown or bright black silk gland ring on the section≥80%;The acid insoluble ash of grade I,II and III shall not exceed 1.0%,the extract shall not be less than 22.0%,and the content of beauverine shall not be less than 0.020%;Substandard products:mostly bent and shrunk,2 cm≤length≤5 cm,the number of strips per 500 g>1100.The cross-section silk gland ring is mostly light brown or brown.The proportion of non silk gland ring≤5%,the
作者 杨永泓 王梅 蒋孟莲 种叶敏 杨转珍 李敏 Yang Yonghong;Wang Mei;Jiang Menglian;Chong Yemin;Yang Zhuanzhen;Li Min(State Key Laboratory of Southwestern Chinese Medicine Resources,School of Pharmacy/School of Modern Chinese Medicine Industry,Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chengdu,611137,China)
出处 《成都中医药大学学报》 2023年第3期48-56,共9页 Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家药监局中成药质量评价重点实验室项目(中成药-2022-KFKT-001)。
关键词 僵蚕 等级标准 质量评价 Pearson相关性分析 聚类分析 丝腺环 Bombyx Batryticatus Grade standard Quality evaluation Pearson correlation analysis Cluster analysis Silk gland ring
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