The technical problem,as the driving force in the formation of the invention-creation,is present throughout the whole process of the invention-creation.This paper analyzes the role of the technical problem in each legal provision by sorting out the technical problems involved in each legal provision.Since the“technical problem alleged to be solved by the invention”is often different from the“technical problem actually solved by the invention”,the paper focuses on the correct way to determine the“technical problem actually solved by the invention”,as well as the impact of the“discovery of the technical problem”on the determination of inventive step and how to avoid“hindsight”,etc.,based on the dynamic nature of the“technical problem actually solved by the invention”.In addition,the paper also proposes practical and effective methods for patent mining in the context of the“technical problem”.
WANG Qinglong(CN-KnowHow Intellectual Property Agency Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100080)
Patent Agency