As more at tent ion has been paid to the corporate f inancing cost and growth level,those enterprises in zones are facing serious f inancing problems,which cannot be solved through long-term intervent ion by the government or administrat ive ent i t ies.It’s necessary to study the relat ionship between f inancing and growth benef i ts of smal l and medium-sized enterprises because that is crucial for the endogenous development of zones,especial ly high-tech development ones.This paper selects the data of the three representat ive zones,Nanchang,Xinyu and Pingxiang,from 2010 to 2022.Then i t models the f inancing capaci ty of the zones and the growth level of the enterprises in the zones,and makes an econometric analysis on the respect ive di f ferences in the growth of the three zones.The resul ts indicates that the overal l corporate f inancing capaci ty is a key factor for the development of the scale of the enterprises in the zones,and the industrial coordinat ion and cooperat ion among zones is the driving force for their development.In addi t ion,a variable parameter model for random inf luence is selected to compare the relat ionship of signi f icance between the actual investment in the three major zones and their main business income,drawing a conclusion that Nanchang High-tech Development Zone has the highest signi f icance whi le the other two zones are not signi f icant.
Hu Xin;Liu Wenjiao
Science Mosaic
Corporate Financing in the Zones
Growth Correlat ion
Random Inf luence
Variable Parameter Model