

The Karl-Marx-Hof in the Historical Threads of Modernism
摘要 维也纳的卡尔·马克思大院(1927-1930)与魏森霍夫住区和新法兰克福住区同属德语地区,约同时期建设,在现代主义建筑从兴起到衰落的历史线索下,经历了被现代建筑史从排斥到包容的转变。本文从现代建筑史的观念变迁、街区的解体与重塑、国际风格与地域主义及实践的批判这4个维度,将卡尔·马克思大院为代表的城市大院与其他现代主义郊区住宅进行比较分析,为当今集合住宅设计提供借鉴。 Vienna's Karl-Marx-Hof(1927-1930), the Weissenhof Estate and New Frankfurt project all belong to the German-speaking area and were constructed around the same time. In the historical context of the rise and fall of Modern Architecture, the Karl-Marx-Hof also went through a transformation from rejection to recognition in the history of modern architecture. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the Karl-MarxHof with other modernist collective housing projects from the perspectives of the historical development of modern architectural history, the relationship between architecture and urban texture, the debate between International Style and Regionalism, and criticism in practice, and uses it as a typological paradigm to further explore references to contemporary collective housing design.
作者 肖馺 Leah HSIAO(School of Architecture and Applied Art,Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts)
出处 《世界建筑》 2023年第6期45-50,共6页 World Architecture
基金 2022年度广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程建设项目(粤教高函[2023]4号) 广州美术学院学术提升计划项目项目批准号:21XSC49 2023年度广州美术学院学位与研究生教育改革研究项目(广美[2023]32号)。
关键词 现代主义 集合住宅 城市肌理 类型 Modernism collective housing urban texture typology
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