
不同根构型玉米品种间作对根系分布、养分积累和产量的影响 被引量:7

Effects of Intercropping on Root Distribution,Nutrient Accumulation and Yield of Maize With Different Root Architecture
摘要 为探讨不同根构型玉米间作模式下的根系形态分布、养分积累和产量变化,本研究设置大田和盆栽试验,以2个不同根构型的玉米(Zea mays L.)品种金赛501(JS501,根紧凑型)和漯玉16(LY16,根平展型)为材料,研究了玉米间作和单作下根系形态、空间分布、养分积累和产量的变化特征。结果表明,间作下玉米群体根总长度、根总表面积和根总体积分别比单作增加10.28%、19.55%、15.95%,但根平均直径无明显变化。在0~20 cm土层中,间作的玉米根总长度、总表面积和总体积平均比单作高15.27%、21.82%和9.44%;在20~40 cm土层则比单作高12.95%、9.18%和20.31%。间作使根紧凑型品种(JS501)根系横向分布扩大了15 cm,群体根系纵向分布较单作平均加深10 cm,并使40~60 cm土层根长密度平均增加26.03%。间作显著提高了群体根系活力和养分积累量,根系活力比单作平均提高27.83%,植株氮、磷和钾积累量平均比单作提高18.27%、14.79%和15.75%。同时,间作提高了干物质和籽粒产量,比单作提高11.03%和15.36%,且土地当量比大于1。通径分析表明,间作下根总表面积直接显著影响植株氮和钾积累量,进而促进干物质量和百粒重提高,增加了籽粒产量;单作下各因素间的相关系数均低于间作。综上所述,间作改变了不同根构型玉米根系的空间分布,增加了深层根长、提高了根系活力,合理重塑了40~60 cm群体根构型,实现了群体根系空间互补,提高了养分积累量和产量。本研究结果为作物养分资源高效利用和农业可持续发展提供了理论和实践依据。 In order to explore the changes of root morphological distribution,nutrient accumulation and yield under different root configuration maize varieties intercropping,monoculture and intercropping treatments were conducted both in the field and pot-cultivation to study the variation characteristics of intercropping of maize(Zea mays L.)on root traits,spatial distribution,nutrient accumulation and grain yield,two maize varieties JS501(small root angle type)and LY16(large root angle type)with different root system architecture were used as experimental materials.The results showed that the total root length,total root surface area,total root volume and root diameter of maize population under intercropping treatments increased by 10.19%,19.55%and 15.95%on average compared with monoculture treatments,respectively.But there was no significant change in root diameter between intercropping and monoculture treatment.In 0~20 cm soil layer,the total root length,total surface area and total volume of maize in intercropping were 15.27%,21.82%and 9.44%higher than those in monoculture,and 12.95%,9.18%and 20.31%higher than monoculture at 20~40 cm,respectively.Intercropping enlarged the horizontal distribution of JS501 root and extends outward by 5 cm,deepened root vertical distribution by 10 cm in intercropping treatments and increased root length density by 26.03%on average in 40~60 cm soil layer.Intercropping also significantly improved root activities by 27.83%compared with monoculture.The accumulation of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in intercropping population increased by 18.27%,14.79%and 15.75%on average compared with monoculture,respectively.Land equivalent ratio was more than 1 under intercropping and dry matter weight and grain yield were increased significantly by 11.03%and 15.36%on average compared with monoculture,respectively.Path analysis showed that total root surface areas significantly affected the accumulation of N and K,which indirectly affected dry matter accumulation and 100-grain weight,and significantly
作者 陈艺博 杨琴 王晶晶 苗正言 赵文龙 贾绪存 董朋飞 王群 CHEN Yibo;YANG Qin;WANG Jingjing;MIAO Zhengyan;ZHAO Wenlong;JIA Xucun;DONG Pengfei;WANG Qun(College of Agronomy,Henan Agricultural University/Henan Province Agro-ecosystem Field Observation and Research Station,Zhengzhou,Henan 450046)
出处 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期594-605,共12页 Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系专项资金资助(CARS-02-20) 河南省自然科学基金(202300410216) 河南省教育厅重点科研项目(21A210014)。
关键词 玉米 根构型 根生长和分布 养分积累 产量 maize root architecture root growth and distribution nutrient accumulation yield
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