
江淮生态大走廊国土空间“三生”功能评价及耦合协调度分析 被引量:3

Productive-Living-Ecological Function Evaluation and Coupling Coordination Degree Analysis in Ecological Corridor of Yangtze-Huaihe River
摘要 [目的]探讨江淮生态大走廊国土空间“三生”功能时空特征和耦合协调关系,为该区未来高水平发展提供科学参考。[方法]根据影响“三生”功能的因素,构建了评价指标体系,采用熵值法进行了功能评价,应用耦合协调度模型进行了耦合协调性分析。[结果]①2010—2020年江淮生态大走廊生产功能从低等级快速增加到高等级;随着生产功能飞速增长,生活功能经历增长—下降—增长;生态功能经历下降—恢复;“三生”功能在空间上分布较均衡。②耦合指数和发展指数均快速增长,耦合指数增长速度超过发展指数。③耦合协调度时间上呈现快速增长趋势,从基本协调和轻度协调发展到较高协调和高度协调;空间上从有一定差异发展为较均衡。[结论]2010—2020年江淮生态大走廊“三生”功能快速增长,从差异大逐渐向共生融合、有序发展演变,影响现状“三生”功能的主要是生活和生态功能的部分指标,经过一段时间高水平的发展之路,逐步提升生活质量和改善生态水平,未来才能达到高耦合—高级发展—高度协调的阶段。 [Objective]The temporal and spatial characteristics and coupling coordination relationship of the productive-living-ecological function of land space for the ecological corridor of the Yangtze-Huaihe River were studied in order to provide a scientific reference for the future high-level development.[Methods]According to the factors affecting the productive-living-ecological function,an evaluation index system was constructed.The function was evaluated by the entropy method,and the coupling coordination degree model was used to analyze the coupling coordination.[Results]①From 2010 to 2020,the score of the land space function in the ecological corridor of the Yangtze-Huaihe River increased rapidly from low level to high level.With the rapid growth of the production function,the living function exhibited a pattern of growth-decline-growth,and the ecological function exhibited a pattern of decline-recovery.The spatial distribution of the function was relatively balanced.②The coupling index and the development index indicated rapid and sustained growth,and the coupling index growth rate was relatively fast.③The coupling coordination degree showed a rapid growth trend over time.It has developed from basic coordination and mild coordination to high coordination and higher coordination.Spatially,it has developed from a certain differentiation to a more balanced state.[Conclusion]From 2010 to 2020,the productive-living-ecological function of the Yangtze-Huaihe River ecological corridor increased rapidly,and the degree of coupling and coordination of the function evolved from mild coordination to high coordination.The cities in the area have developed from having large functional differences to exhibiting symbiotic integration and orderly development.The main factors affecting the function are the living function and ecological function indicators,indicating gradual improvement in the quality of life functions and the level of ecological functions.It will still be necessary to maintain a high-level development path s
作者 李安芹 王丹 朱勇 Li Anqin;Wang Dan;Zhu Yong(Department of Resource&Environment Engineering,Yangzhou Polytechnic College,Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225009,China)
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期361-371,共11页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“人—地—粮时空关联下的耕地‘数质空’耦合机理研究:以淮海经济区为例”(42071229) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学项目(2022SJYB2176) 扬州市软科学项目(YZ2021209)。
关键词 国土空间 三生功能 耦合协调度 江淮生态大走廊 land space productive-living-ecological function coupling coordination degree ecological corridor of Yangtze-Huaihe River
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