With the deepening of the aging,the sustainability of the employee medical insurance pooling fund is threatened.In this paper,we develop an actuarial model of employee medical insurance pooling fund and analyze the impact of eight delayed retirement schemes on the financial operation of the Shanghai employee medical insurance fund,and find that if the current retirement policy is still implemented,the fund will start to experience current and accumulated deficits in 2024 and 2034 respectively.If the retirement age of women is delayed first and then that of men is delayed,the accumulated deficit of the fund will be reduced gradually in 2050 when the retirement rate is delayed by 2,3,4 and 6 months per year.If the retirement age of both men and women is delayed,the accumulated deficit of the fund will be postponed under all four retirement speed schemes,and the accumulated deficit scale will be further reduced in 2050.If retired employees are included in the medical insurance contributors,the fund situation can be further improved.It can be seen that the policy of delaying the retirement age can improve the risk resistance of Shanghai employee medical insurance fund to a certain extent.Accordingly,it is proposed to implement the deferred retirement age policy as soon as possible,assist with supporting measures to help the implementation of the deferred retirement age policy and further implement other policies to improve the sustainability of the medical insurance fund.
Fiscal Science
Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Employees
Postpone Retirement Age
Fund Balance