Phillipsia olivacea is an uncommon discomycete record from Brazil.It was described originally from South Brazil and later recorded from Central America and northern South America.Now it is found for the first time from a montane forest in the Brazilian semiarid region.Description,discussion,photography of the ascomata and drawings are provided.
supported by the‘Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico’(CNPq)with the Projects‘Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade’(PPBio Proc.60/2009)
‘Fungos agaricoides emáreas de Mata Atlântica e Caatinga no Estado da Paraíba’(Edital Universal Proc..420.448/2016-0)
‘Produtividade em Pesquisa’(Proc.307922/2014-6)grant for FW
‘Iniciação Científica’-IC(Proc.307947/2017-3)scholarship to JCVA.PIBIC-UFPB(IC)
with the Project PVA785-2018-‘Revisão e ampliação do acervo de fungos do herbário JPB’(Edital 01/2018/PROPESQ Seleção de Projetos de Iniciação Científica 2018/2019)is also acknowledged for providing scholarship to ABLL.