

The Textual Research on the Spread and Collection of Domestic and Foreign Versions of Jingyan Jishi Liangfang
摘要 陈仕贤《经验济世良方》版本流传较广,除国内多次刊刻外,朝鲜、日本曾有传抄刊刻。目前国内外尚有5种版本,分藏于国内的国家图书馆、天津中医药大学图书馆以及日本内阁文库。5种版本分为二种版本系统,一为嘉靖三十七年初刊本,同时包括据初刊本重刊之本,如朝鲜覆刻明嘉靖四十年云南布政使司本、福建建邑书林杨氏刻本、日本江户医学馆抄本,另一种为嘉靖三十九年沈宏序刊本。由于此书馆藏情况较为复杂,而国内外对其版本的著录存在诸多差讹,故通过版本著录及实地考察,以期理清此书版本流传的脉络,纠正国内外版本著录的讹误。 The version of Chen Shi-xian's Jingyan Jishi Liangfang in the Ming Dynasty has been widely circulated.In addition to many domestic versions,there have been copies circulating in Choson Dynasty's and Japan.At present,there are five versions at home and abroad,which are stored in the National Library of China,the library of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Japanese cabinet library.The five versions belong to two version systems,one is the original version in the 37th year of Emperor Jiajing,and its reprinted versions including the Choson Dynasty's reprint of the Yunnan envoy's version in the 40th years of Emperor Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty,the Yang's version of Jianyi Shulin in Fujian Province,the copied version of Edo Medical College in Japan.The other is the version with preface written by Shen Hong in the 39th year of Emperor Jiajing.Due to the complexity of different versions and various errors in the description of its versions,we hope to clarify the context of the circulation of this book and correct the errors in the description of domestic and foreign versions through version description and field investigation.
作者 杨金萍 孟玺 范磊 周扬 季强 YANG Jinping;MENG Xi;FAN Lei(Institute of Chinese Medical Literature and Culture,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250355,China)
出处 《医学与哲学》 北大核心 2023年第8期72-76,共5页 Medicine and Philosophy
基金 2020年国家中医药管理局中医药古籍文献和特色技术传承专项《经验济世良方》整理出版项目(GZY-KJS-2020-052)。
关键词 陈仕贤 《经验济世良方》 版本 Chen Shi-xian Jingyan Jishi Liangfang version
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