坎佩尔位于法国西北部布列塔尼大区的一座艺术与历史的城市,她的名字在历史上与陶器事业息息相关。三百多年来,其陶器制造业为这座城市在法国和国外的影响做出了杰出的贡献。坎佩尔陶瓷自十八世纪以来一直在市中心附近的洛马里亚(Locmaria)陶器区生产,它的生产是通过主要从波尔多和鲁昂引进粘土而发展起来的,这得益于奥代河(l’Odet)和斯泰伊尔河(le Steir)两条河流的存在为运输提供了便利的条件,以及周围茂密的森林资源作为燃料。文章通过地域资源、传统文化、历史因素,以及风格化的影响来探讨坎佩尔陶瓷的发展。
Quimper is located in a city of art and history in the Brittany region of northwest France.Her name is closely related to the pottery industry in history.For more than three centuries,its pottery manufacture has made an outstanding contribution to the city's influence in France and abroad.Quimper ceramics have been produced in the pottery district of Locmaria near the city center since the eighteenth century,and its production developed through the introduction of clay mainly from Bordeaux and Rouen,this is due to the existence of two rivers,the Odet(l'Odet)and the Steir(le Steir),which provide convenient conditions for transportation,as well as the surrounding dense forest resources as fuel.The article discusses the development of Quimper ceramics through the influence of regional resources,traditional culture,historical factors,and stylization.
Dong Fang;Deng Junfeng(College of Design and Art,Hunan Institute of Applied Technology,Changde,415000;Macao University of Science and Technology,Macao,999078;Hunan University of Arts and Sciences,Changde,415000)
Ceramic Studies