On the night of the February 28 incident,Taiwan provincial governor Chen Yi replied to a"Chouzheng"telegram with a""Choujian"telegram,reporting the situation to Chiang Kai-shek and pointing the blame at the Chinese Communist Party for the incident.In addition to serving as the starting point for the"Chinese Communist incitement"theory of the February 28th Incident,the"choujian'telegram was also a manifestation of the GMD's"anti-communist"mentality.By combing through the communist-related""intelligence"received by the military authorities in Taiwan before the incident,we can find that the GMD was already aware of and reacted to the activities of the CCP's Taiwan Provincial Working Committee at that time.During the second half of 1946,the GMD's anti-communist trend in China's Mainland continued to affect the Taiwan region,resulting in a change in the island's social atmosphere before February 28.To clear up the fog surrounding the February 28th Incident,it is essential to understand the dramatic changes in Chinese history during the 1940s.
Taiwan History Studies
Feburary 28 Incident
Chen Yi
Taiwan Provincial Working Committee