
新民主主义革命时期中国共产党人中华民族复兴思想:逻辑·发展·内涵 被引量:1

Chinese Communists' Thought of the Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation during the Period of New Democratic Revolution:the Logic,Development,and Connotation
摘要 新民主主义革命时期中国共产党人形成了系统、完整、科学的中华民族复兴思想。就生成而言,中国共产党人中华民族复兴思想内在地形成于担当中华民族复兴使命的目标坚守,是对马克思主义民族问题理论的根本遵循,是以中国古代辉煌历史为自信源泉和对优秀传统文化基因的传承,是对近代以来中华民族复兴观念和思想的吸纳与超越。就发展来看,中国共产党人中华民族复兴思想实质上是把马克思主义民族问题理论与中华民族复兴运动的具体实践相结合的产物,经历了萌芽、雏形、发展、成熟和进一步深化等几个主要发展阶段。从内涵意蕴来看,新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党人中华民族复兴思想是以中华民族的整体性认同为逻辑前提,以在共产主义理想指引下“建立一个新中国”为目标愿景,以人民为主体为本质要求,以自力更生、艰苦奋斗为根本基点。新民主主义革命时期中国共产党人中华民族复兴思想夯实了当代中华民族伟大复兴的思想基础,其思想精髓在党和人民的接续奋斗中传承、发展和创新。 Chinese Communists formed a systematic,complete and scientific thought of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the period of the new democratic revolution.As for the formation,the thought of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation of the Chinese Communists was constructed from their commitment to the mission.It is the fundamental adherence to the Marxist theory on ethnic issues by taking the glorious history of ancient China as the reference for rejuvenation,inheriting the gene of the excellent traditional culture,absorbing and surpassing the ideas and thoughts of the Chinese national rejuvenation since modern times.In terms of development,the thought of Chinese national rejuvenation of Chinese Communists is essentially the process of combining Marxist theory with the concrete practice of the movement of Chinese national rejuvenation.It has passed through several major stages of development from germination to rudiment,development,maturity and further development.From the perspective of connotation and implication,during the period of new democratic revolution,the"rejuvenation of the Chinese nation"of Chinese Communists took the overall identity as the logical premise,the"establishment of New China"under the guidance of the communist ideal as the goal and vision,the people as the main body with the essential requirement,accompanying the fundamental basis as self-reliance and hard work.The thought on national rejuvenation of the Chinese Communists during the new-democratic revolution has consolidated the ideological foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,whose essence has been passed on,developed and innovated in the continuous struggle of the Party and the people.
作者 刘潇敏 LIU Xiaomin(College of Marxism,Hunan Institute of Engineering,Xiangtan 411104,Hunan China)
出处 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期129-141,共13页 Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 中国共产党人 新民主主义革命时期 中华民族复兴 生成逻辑 发展轨迹 内涵意蕴 Chinesecommunists period of new democratic revolution rejuvenation of the Chinese nation generative logic development track connotation meaning
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