This paper presents a novel solution to the three-dimensional (3D) cooperative hunting ofmultiple drones that deals with surrounding a target simultaneously while navigating aroundobstacles in the cluttered dynamic 3D environment. Meanwhile, drones avoid the air°owdownwash force created by the spinning propellers on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) andtheir e®ect on the other UAVs. This solution consists of a 3D Simultaneous Encirclementstrategy, the cooperative hunting objective with a novel revised particle swarm optimization(PSO*) path planning algorithm, a °ocking theory-inspired obstacle avoidance algorithm, and acascade PI controller. Simulation results with varying conditions were carried out to validatethe e®ectiveness of the proposed solution by successfully taking care of the downwash e®ects,and having multiple hunter UAVs hunt and encircle a moving or stationary target in a dynamicor static obstacle-rich cluttered environment.