

European Green New Deal Based on Perspective of Sustainable Developrment
摘要 环境问题的解决无法依靠传统的环境政策工具,而是必须依赖经济活动的转型。以欧盟为例,探讨其在环境永续的挑战下,发展出从环境永续到经济永续的重要环境管理思维,从制造业、运输及仓储业以及不动产业分析其对企业的监管举措,并强调在现今不环保也没有经济的国际市场氛围下,企业不该再享有任何自由排放的权利,政府也不该漠视当前环境议题先于经济发展的课题。 The solution to environmental problems cannot rely on traditional environmental policies,but must rely on the transformation of economic activities.This paper explored the important environmental management thinking of the European Union,which had developed from environmental sustainability to economic sustainability under the challenge of environmental sustainability,analyzed the regulatory measures for enterprises from the manufacturing,transportation,warehousing,and real estate industries,and emphasized that in the current international market atmosphere where there was no environmental protection or economy,enterprises should no longer enjoy any right to free emissions,and the government should not ignore current environmental issues before the economic development of the subject.
作者 崔巧玲 雷玲 CUI Qiaoling;LEI Ling(Yangling Vocational&Technical College,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China)
出处 《林业调查规划》 2023年第2期202-205,共4页 Forest Inventory and Planning
基金 2022年度高校思想政治理论课教师研究专项一般项目(22JDSZK120) 陕西省社会科学基金项目(2020R031) 郑州西亚斯学院科研项目(2019-YB-64)。
关键词 环境永续分类法 经济活动转型 欧盟 绿色新政 environmental sustainability classification transformation of economic activities European Union Green New Deal
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