The development of speech may have been the critical step in the development of the mind.In parallel with biological evolution,with the accumulation of gene differences,cultural evolution,the accumulation of experiences and ideas in symbolic form,began.Undoubtedly,the most significant stage of development is the development of the cerebral cortex.There are estimated one million cortical modules in each hemisphere.Sensory cells and sensory organs have well-determined centers,quasi“representative sites”in the brain;the stimuli of a sensory organ always flow into the corresponding center.The cortical projection of the main moving field is similar to the sensor field-a moving homunculus.Muscles involved in fine movements are represented over a larger area than muscles of other parts of the body.Remembering is a process of selection:only the memories that are important,interesting,significant for us are kept-the rest we forget.Speech,language,is central to the development of the ability to think and to the biological success of the human species.One of the most beautiful features of humankind is that they can live in a world of fantasy.They can imagine things they have never seen or never experienced.