
乡村振兴重点帮扶县产业振兴的现实考量及实现路径 被引量:7

Realistic Considerations and Realization Paths of Industrial Revitalization in Key Rural Revitalization Support Counties
摘要 在反贫困策略日益强调区域发展益贫带贫作用背景下,要实现稳得住和能致富目标,唯有抓住国家对重点帮扶县给予集中支持的有利时机,最大限度发挥组织推动、要素保障、政策支持、创新驱动、协作帮扶的综合效应,将兼具规模生产能力、抵御风险能力、收益分配能力、共建共享能力的农村集体经济打造为两大战略有效衔接的成熟稳定载体。同时,把握好农业上云、用数、赋智新机遇,将农村集体经济与农业数字化转型协同发展作为重点帮扶县突破农业发展瓶颈和创新农业生产经营模式及实现农业高质量发展的长远战略,加快探索农村集体经济与农业数字化转型协同发展的组织形式和实现路径,不断增强农村集体经济发展的包容性、规范性、持续性,充分释放资源、劳动、资本、技术等要素双向流动的合作潜能和发展潜力,并通过集体经济与农业数字化转型协同发展重塑农村集体经济发展新动能和新优势,使农村集体经济成为带领农户走上现代农业发展轨道的最有效组织方式。 In the context of the anti-poverty strategy, which increasingly emphasizes the role of regional development in overflowing poverty and leading poverty, the only way to achieve the goal of stability and prosperity is to seize the favorable opportunity for the state to give focused support to key support counties, maximize the comprehensive effect of organizational promotion, factor protection, policy support, innovation drive, and collaborative support, and build the rural collective economy, which has the ability to produce on a large scale, withstand risks, distribute benefits, and share the same capacity, into a mature and stable vehicle for the effective convergence of the two strategies.At the same time, we will seize the new opportunity of global agriculture to go to the cloud, use the data and empower intelligence, take the synergistic development of rural collective economy and agricultural digital transformation as a long-term strategy to break through the bottleneck of agricultural development, innovate agricultural production and operation mode and achieve high-quality agricultural development in key support counties, accelerate the exploration of the organizational form and realization path of the synergistic development of rural collective economy and agricultural digital transformation, continuously enhance the development of rural collective economy to be inclusive, standardized and sustainable, fully release the cooperation potential and development potential of two-way flow of resources, labor, capital, technology and other factors, and reshape new dynamics and advantages of rural collective economy development through synergistic development of collective economy and agricultural digital transformation so that rural collective economy may become the most effective organizational way to lead farmers onto the track of modern agricultural development.
作者 牛胜强 NIU Sheng-qiang(School of Statistics,Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics,Lanzhou,Gansu 730020,China)
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期20-30,共11页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 重点帮扶县 产业振兴 集体经济 农业数字化转型 现实考量 实现路径 key support counties industrial revitalization collective economy digital transformation of agriculture realistic considerations realization path
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