
福建百香果果实品质优势区域划分 被引量:4

Division of Planting Areas for Superior Quality Passion Fruits in Fujian
摘要 研究旨在通过开展福建不同百香果产区果实品质研究,获得福建百香果优势种植区域,为引导果农优势发展提供指导。以福建省不同产地的‘福建百香果1号’和‘福建百香果3号’为材料,使用主成分分析法对百香果品质进行综合评价,通过品质测定分析比较不同产地百香果果实品质的差异。结果表明,不同产地百香果品质之间存在差异,其中单果重、可食率、糖酸比为影响果实品质的主要因素。延平种植的‘福建百香果1号’单果重和可食率最高,且极显著高于新罗。糖酸比最高的为新罗(3.03),其次为尤溪、延平,古田最低。‘福建百香果3号’单果重最高为惠安(92.87 g),极显著高于华安、福安、武平;可食率最高为华安(55.26%),与福安(17.8%)差异达到极显著水平;糖酸比最高为惠安(6.79),极显著高于福安、华安和武平。‘福建百香果1号’综合得分最高的为延平(0.2194),最低为古田(0.1405)。‘福建百香果3号’综合得分最高华安、惠安(0.2461)。福建地区百香果果实品质与产区纬度有相关性,而与经度关系不明显;‘福建百香果1号’品质最佳种植区域为25°—26°N,‘福建百香果3号’为25°N左右。在适宜纬度范围内一定海拔高度的区域,不仅有利于提升果实品质,而且可能具有降低百香果高温障碍的效果。 The study aims to clarify the advantageous planting areas of passion fruit in Fujian by studying the quality of passion fruits from different parts of the province,and provide guidance for farmers to develop passion fruit industry.Using‘Fujian Passion Fruit No.1’and‘Fujian Passion Fruit No.3’from different production areas in the province as materials,the fruit quality was comprehensively evaluated by principal component analysis,and the differences of fruit quality among different production areas were compared by quality determination analysis.The results showed that there were quality differences of passion fruits from different places of origin,and the single fruit weight,fruit edible rate and sugar-acid ratio were the main factors affecting the fruit quality.The single fruit weight and edible rate of‘Fujian Passion Fruit No.1’grown in Yanping were the highest,and were significantly higher than those of Xinluo fruits.The highest sugar-acid ratio was found in Xinluo fruits(3.03),followed by that of Youxi fruits and Yanping fruits,and the lowest was observed in fruits from Gutian.The highest single fruit weight of‘Fujian Passion Fruit No.3’was found in Hui’an(92.87 g),which was extremely and significantly higher than that in Hua’an,Fu’an and Wuping.The highest fruit edible rate was found in Hua’an(55.26%),which was extremely and significantly different from that in Fu’an(17.8%).The highest sugar-acid ratio was found in Hui’an(6.79),which was extremely and significantly higher than that in Fu’an,Hua’an and Wuping.The highest overall score for‘Fujian Passion Fruit No.1’was achieved by fruits from Yanping(0.2194)and the lowest was gotten by fruits from Gutian(0.1405).‘Fujian Passion Fruit No.3’had the highest overall score in Hua’an and Hui’an(0.2461).The fruit quality of passion fruits in Fujian was correlated with the latitude of the production area,but not obviously correlated with the longitude;the best planting area for superior quality‘Fujian Passion Fruit No.1�
作者 牛先前 江莉 林秋金 林秀香 李永裕 施清 NIU Xianqian;JIANG Li;LIN Qiujin;LIN Xiuxiang;LI Yongyu;SHI Qing(Fujian Institute of Tropical Crops,Zhangzhou,Fujian 363001;Horticulture College,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002;Fujian Planting Technology Extension Station,Fuzhou 350001)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2023年第7期40-45,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 福建省公益类科研专项“百香果种质资源收集及筛选”(2020R1010005) 福建省现代农业产业技术体系建设项目“2020年福建省现代水果产业技术体系建设项目”(闽财教指[2020]74号) 闽南师范大学开放性课题“气象因子对福建百香果糖酸组分的影响”(202010706)。
关键词 百香果 产地 经纬度 海拔 果实品质 区域划分 passion fruit place of origin latitude and longitude altitude fruit quality regional division
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