
义务教育经费投入省级统筹改革实施效果分析——基于广东省县级面板数据的实证研究 被引量:5

Analysis on the Implementation Effect of Unified Planning Reform at Provincial Government to the Investment of Compulsory Education:An Empirical Research Based on County-level panel data in Guangdong
摘要 省级统筹改革是我国义务教育经费投入体制改革的重要组成部分,其实施成效一直备受关注。本文基于准实验设计的范式,选取2015-2019年广东省县级面板数据,利用传统双重差分法和连续型双重差分法,对本土化省级统筹改革举措的实施成效进行政策评估。研究发现,广东省义务教育经费省级统筹改革举措与国家相关政策文件的预期目标相吻合,提升了经费投入水平,并缩小了地区间的经费差距,显现出省级政府在义务教育经费投入上“筹增量、统均衡”的统筹责任效果;省级政府通过均衡性转移支付和与区县政府按比例分担教育经费支出的统筹方式,显著缩小了区县之间的教育经费差距,其中后者所显现的成效优于前者;地方政府间教育财政分权体制在一定程度上影响了县级义务教育经费投入的激励和偏好,进而影响了义务教育经费投入的增量效果和均衡效果。研究认为,应进一步完善省级统筹改革,发挥省级政府对地方政府支出行为的规范和引导作用;以统均衡为立足点、筹增量为切入点,持续提升省级财政经费分担比重,扩大一般性均衡转移支付力度,更好地保障省域内义务教育经费投入的充足和公平。 The Unified Planning Reform at the Provincial Government is an important part of the investment mechanism of compulsory education in China that its implementation effect has been concerned.Based on the analytical framework of quasinatural experimental design,this paper selects panel data of county-level in Guangdong from 2015 to 2019,and uses traditional and continuous Difference in Difference methods to evaluate the implementation effect of this localized reform measures.The research finds that the implementation effect of the reform in Guangdong are consistent with the expected goals of relevant national policies,which have increased significantly the expenditure on county-level government and narrowed the expenditure gap between counties,showing the incremental effect and equilibrium effect of compulsory education investment.By means of equalized transfer payment and proportional sharing mechanism with county governments,provincial government can remarkably narrow the gap of education investment between counties which the latter effect is better than the former.The educational fiscal decentralization system among local governments has affected the incentive and preference of compulsory education investment at the county level to some extent,and further influenced the incremental effect and equilibrium effect.In this regard,the research holds a viewpoint that The Unified Planning Reform at the Provincial Goverment should be accessibly improved.Provincial government is advised to play a normative and guiding role in the expenditure behavior of local governments.Establishing a goal of equilibrium as the foothold and increment as the starting point,it is recommended that continuing to increase the proportional sharing mechanism with its subprovincial governments and expanding the equalized transfer payments at general,to optimally ensure sufficient and equitable investment of compulsory education in every county.
作者 吴开俊 胡阳光 周丽萍 WU Kaijun;HU Yangguang;ZHOU Liping(Institute of Educational Economics,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006;School of Education,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006)
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期1-8,共8页 Research in Educational Development
基金 2019年度国家自然基金面上项目“农民工随迁子女义务教育:中央与地方事权和支出责任划分研究”(71974042)的阶段性成果
关键词 省级统筹 双重差分 义务教育经费 增长与均衡 unified planning reform at the provincial government dfference in difference funding for compulsory education growth and equilibrium
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