

Expert Opinions on the Application and Management of Pharmaceutical Precursor Chemicals in Medical Institutions (2023)
摘要 药品类易制毒化学品是指易制毒化学品中的麦角酸、麦角胺、麦角新碱和麻黄素、伪麻黄素等麻黄素类物质的原料药和单方制剂,是一类需要进行特殊管理的药品。现行的《易制毒化学品管理条例》和《药品类易制毒化学品管理办法》规定了上述化学品在生产、经营和流通等领域的安全管理内容,却未提示其在医疗机构内的流转和使用管理,使得各地医疗机构对药品类易制毒化学品品种管理的方式和强度不一致,也带来了一些药事管理和医院评审方面的困惑和争议。针对此问题,《临床药物治疗杂志》杂志社组织15个省区市的药学、医学、护理、医院感染管理等专家,展开了多次充分讨论和内容修改,并投票形成了《医疗机构药品类易制毒化学品应用管理专家意见(2023年)》(《专家意见》)。《专家意见》包括“药品类易制毒化学品的范畴和管理原则”和“药品类易制毒化学品的管理内容与方法”两部分共21条“陈述”,涉及药品类易制毒化学品的采购、验收、保存、使用、处方开具、残余处理、动态监测和质量管理等多项内容,并提出可操作的工作建议,旨在为医疗机构开展有效、有度的药品类易制毒化学品管理提供参考。 Pharmaceutical precursor chemicals refer to the raw materials and single preparations of substances such as lysergic acid, ergotamine, ergometrine, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in precursor chemicals, and are a class of drugs that require special management. The current Regulations on Precursor Chemicals and the Measures for the Administration of Pharmaceutical Precursor Chemicals stipulate the safety management content of the above chemicals in the fields of production, operation and circulation, but do not prompt the circulation and application management of the above chemicals in medical institutions. It makes medical institutions around the country inconsistent in the way and intensity of drug precursor chemicals management, and also brings some confusion and controversy in pharmacy administration and hospital accreditation. In response to this problem, the Clinical Medication Journal Agency organized many experts from several provinces in pharmacy, clinical care, nursing, hospital sense management and other fields to carry out many full discussions and content modifications, and voted to form this expert opinion. This opinion includes 21 "statements" in the two parts of "scope and principles of pharmaceutical precursor chemicals management" and "contents and methods of pharmaceutical precursor chemicals management", involving procurement, acceptance, storage, use, prescription issuance, residue disposal, dynamic monitoring and quality management of pharmaceutical precursor chemicals, and puts forward some operational work suggestions. It aims to provide reference for medical institutions to carry out effective and systematic management of pharmaceutical precursor chemicals.
作者 《医疗机构药品类易制毒化学品应用管理专家意见》编制组 赵怀全 Writing Group of Expert Opinions on the Application and Management of Pharmaceutical Precursor Chemicals in Medical Institutions
机构地区 不详
出处 《临床药物治疗杂志》 2023年第2期1-6,共6页 Clinical Medication Journal
关键词 药品类易制毒化学品 医疗机构 专家意见 合理使用 药事管理 医院评审 pharmaceutical precursor chemicals medical institutions expert opinions rational use pharmacy administration hospital accreditation
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