

Process of the Battle of Songjin and the Tactical Choice of the Qing Army
摘要 松锦之战是明清政权在辽西地区最后一场战略决战,同时也是明朝的国祚之战,目前也是明清断代之际研究的重要课题。松锦之战自明崇祯十三年(清崇德五年)始,至明崇祯十五年(清崇德七年)终,前后历时三年,清军围锦打援,先围锦州,再围松山,而围困松山也是打援的一部分,战后明朝损失了大量的精锐边防部队和军需物资,丧失了在辽西地区组织大军团作战的能力,关外仅存宁远孤城。清朝方面经此役收编了大批明军降兵降将,壮大了八旗汉军,清军入关只是时间问题,松锦之战的重要战略意义即体现于此。“兵者,国之大事”,本文试图以清朝军方的微观角度梳理清军的战术和指挥的脉络,解读这场明清嬗代之际的重要会战。 The Battle of Songjin was the last strategic decisive battle of the Ming and Qing regime in the western Liaoning region,and also the fight for survival of Ming Dynasty.At present,it is also an important topic for the study on the transition between Ming and Qing dynasties.The Battle of Songjin lasted for three years from the 13th year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty(the 5th year of Chongde in Qing Dynasty) to the 15th year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty(the 7th year of Chongde in Qing Dynasty).The Qing army surrounded Jinzhou and attacked enemy reinforcement first and then surrounded Songshan,and besieging Songshan was also part of the fight.After the war,Ming Dynasty lost a large number of elite border defense forces and military supplies,lost the ability to organize large legions to fight in the western Liaoning region,and only the isolated city of Ningyuan remained outside the Shanhaiguan Pass.As for Qing Dynasty,a large number of Ming soldiers and generals surrendered and were recruited and the Eight Banner Han Army was strengthened.It was only a matter of time before the Qing army entered the pass.The important strategic significance of the Songjin Battle was reflected in this."Soldiers are the major event of the country".This paper attempts to comb the Qing army’s tactics and command from the micro perspective of the Qing army,and interpret this important battle during the evolution of Ming and Qing dynasties.
作者 周威翰 Zhou Weihan
出处 《兰台世界》 2023年第1期126-131,136,共7页 Lantai World
关键词 松锦之战 围城打援 迂回包抄 包围与反包围 Battle of Songjin besieging and attacking enemy reinforcement outflanking siege and counter siege
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