
能源生态效率对碳排放的影响及空间溢出效应研究——以长江经济带110个城市为例 被引量:8

Influence and Spillover Effect of Energy Eco-efficiency on Carbon Emissions : Taking 110 Cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt as Case
摘要 在“双碳”目标下,提升能源生态效率对于实现碳减排和促进我国经济绿色发展转型具有重要意义。本文以长江经济带110个城市作为研究对象,基于非期望产出的SBM模型测算出各城市2009—2019年的能源生态效率均值,构建地理、经济和综合3种空间权重矩阵,利用莫兰指数和空间计量模型,探究能源生态效率和碳排放的空间分异特征与影响作用关系,并对影响碳排放量的主要因素进行识别和分析,旨在为长江经济带低碳绿色发展提供科学依据。研究结果表明:从时序上看,长江经济带各城市整体能源生态效率均值呈波动上升趋势;从空间上看,长江经济带各城市能源生态效率呈现出“东高西低”的空间分布特征;在研究期内,长江经济带城市碳排放总量呈缓慢增长趋势,碳排放强度呈逐年下降趋势,各城市碳排放量存在着显著的高-高集聚和低-低集聚特征,高-高集聚特征主要集中在下游城市群,低-低集聚特征主要集中在上游城市群。能源生态效率和城市规模水平与碳排放量显著负相关,产业结构系数、工业集聚水平、经济发展水平和对外开放度等几个因素与碳排放量显著正相关。 In the context of"Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality",improving energy ecological efficiency is of great significance for carbon emission reduction and accelerating China's economictransformation to green development.This paper takes 110 cities in the Yangtze River economic belt in China as the research object,calculates the energy eco-efficiency of each city from 2009 to 2019 based on the SBM model of unexpected output,constructs three spatial weight matrixes of geography,economy and integration,and uses Moran index and spatial econometric model to explore the spatial differentiation characteristics and relationship of energy eco-efficiency and carbon emissions.In order to provide a scientific basis for the low-carbon green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt,the main factors affecting carbon emissions are identified,and the influence direction and effect of each factor on carbon emissions are analyzed.The results show that:from the perspective of time series,the average energy eco-efficiency of the Yangtze River Economic Belt shows a fluctuating upward trend.From the perspective of space,the spatial difference of energy eco-efficiency of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is obvious,showing a higher distribution of in the east and lower in the west.During the study period,the total carbon emission of the Yangtze River Economic Belt increased slowly,and the intensity decreased year by year.The carbon emissions shows significant characteristics of high-high and low-low agglomeration;the former is mainly concentrated in the downstream urban agglomeration,while the latter is mainly concentrated in the upstream.Energy eco-efficiency and city size level can inhibit the growth of carbon emissions.Industrial structure coefficient,industrial agglomeration level,economic development level and openness are positively correlated with carbon emissions.
作者 吕周洋 凌丹丹 陈军飞 丁童慧 邓梦华 LYU Zhouyang;LING Dandan;CHEN Junfei;DING Tonghui;DENG Menghua
出处 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第1期95-110,112,共17页 Journal of Nanjing Tech University:Social Science Edition
基金 江苏省社会科学基金重点项目“‘双碳’和水生态安全承载目标下江苏化工产业高质量发展路径研究”(21GLA006) 国家自然科学基金项目“水-能源-粮食-生态纽带关系下区域高质量发展诊断预警及治理策略研究——以长三角城市群为例”(42071278) 国家自然科学基金项目“基于多源大数据的流域生态补偿效果评估及协同治理机制研究”(42001250) 中央高校业务费项目“长江经济带水-能源-粮食-生态(WEFE)系统协调发展效率评估及管理对策研究”(B200204018)。
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