

The Choice and Transformation of Social Risk Governance Mechanism: A Dynamic Analysis Framework of “Administration-Market-Society”
摘要 学界围绕地方政府处置社会风险议题提出了风险规避、风险转化与风险吸纳等研究视角,这些视角刻画了地方政府面临的不同类型风险以及采取的化解策略,但是缺少对社会风险治理的动态分析。在凤城县城关农贸市场空间置换过程中,政府分别采用行政机制、市场机制和社会机制来治理社会风险,既能维持市场秩序又能保持市场活力。三种机制分别对应不同的合法性基础、治理对象与治理方式,同时在市场搬迁的不同阶段发挥不同的作用,这就从动态角度为我们揭示了地方政府治理社会风险的制度逻辑。 This paper discusses the approach which local government adopts to resolve social risks in the process of relocation of farmers’ markets. The study uses the risk governance explanation framework and points out that in the process of replacing the old market with a new one, the government minimizes risks by implementing institutional arrangements and governance methods to ensure successful relocation. In the two stages, disintegrating an old market and establishing a new one, the government adopts administrative mechanism, market mechanism, and social mechanism respectively, to manage social risks in a comprehensive way. This study points out that three types of risk governance mechanisms correspond to the legitimacy basis and the identity of proprietors. The legitimacy of the administrative mechanism relies on legal justice, which defines proprietors as citizens and emphasizes the fairness, including procedural disputes, administrative coercion, and negotiated governance. The legitimacy of the market mechanism is based on market competition, which defines proprietors as investors and emphasizes the profitability, including market exclusion and market absorption. The legitimacy of the social mechanism is based on social reasoning, which defines proprietors as workers and emphasizes the work for a living, including recognition of the status quo and interest compensation. This study also suggests that in different stages of a market’s relocation three risk governance mechanisms are different in the following aspects. Firstly, the importance of three different risk governance mechanisms varies across three stages. In the plan formulation stage, social mechanisms are relatively more important. In the plan implementation stage, the administrative mechanism is relatively more important. In the plan completion stage, the market mechanism is more important. Secondly, each risk governance mechanism plays a different role in the three stages. In the plan formulation stage, the social mechanism sorts all kinds of proprie
作者 张杨波 Zhang Yangbo(School of Sociology,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,P.R.China)
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期87-98,共12页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目“社会治理创新视野下城管执法改革路径研究”(19FSHB015)。
关键词 风险治理 市场利益结构 行政机制 市场机制 社会机制 Risk governance Structure of market interest Administrative mechanism Market mechanism Social mechanism
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