
深刻把握习近平总书记关于共同富裕重要论述的原创性贡献 被引量:7

Deeply Understanding the Original Contribution of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Exposition on Common Prosperity
摘要 习近平总书记关于共同富裕的重要论述具有重大原创性贡献,推动中国共产党对共同富裕的认识达到全新高度。在关于“什么是共同富裕”的认识上,明确了共同富裕的战略步骤与衡量指标,以人的全面发展为导向丰富和发展了共同富裕的内涵,澄清了党内外对共同富裕的主要认识误区,从而开辟新的境界;在关于“为什么要实现共同富裕”的认识上,站在治国理政全局高度,以广阔的视野揭示了新时代扎实推动共同富裕的重大意义;在关于“怎么实现共同富裕”的认识上,对扎实推动共同富裕的生产力基础和制度安排作出系统论述,在做大做好蛋糕的同时切好分好蛋糕,有效解决了在新发展阶段扎实推动共同富裕这一重大现实问题。 General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on common prosperity makes contributions with significant originality and brings the CPC’s understanding of common prosperity to a new height. In the understanding of “what is common prosperity”, General Secretary Xi Jinping makes a scientific and contemporary interpretation of common prosperity, which opens up a new realm in the understanding of common prosperity’s connotation. Firstly, General Secretary Xi Jinping clarifies the strategic steps and measurement indicators of common prosperity, accomplishing a historic leap which turns common prosperity from a theoretical blueprint into a strategic objective.Secondly, he reveals the unity between common prosperity and people’s well-rounded development, making the connotation of common prosperity enriched and developed. Thirdly, he clarifies the major misunderstandings on common prosperity kept by some Party members and non-Party members. Common prosperity is neither a prosperity for minority, nor is rigid egalitarianism;common prosperity is not a “welfarism”;common prosperity is not a simultaneous prosperity. In the understanding of “why to achieve common prosperity”, General Secretary Xi Jinping stands on the overall level of governance and reveals the great significance of solid progress in promoting common prosperity in the new era with a broad vision. From the perspective of the relationship between common prosperity and modernization, common prosperity is an important feature and essential requirement of the Chinese path to modernization;from the perspective of the relationship between common prosperity and socialism, common prosperity is the core requirement of socialism;from the perspective of the relationship between common prosperity and economic development, common prosperity is the starting point and foothold of economic development;from the perspective of the relationship between common prosperity and the leadership of the Party, common prosperity is a major political concern for c
作者 李冉 陈海若 Li Ran;Chen Hairuo(School of Marxism,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,P.R.China)
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第2期11-20,共10页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部高校思想政治理论课教师研究专项重大课题攻关项目“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的原创性学理化学科化阐释与高校思政课教学内容建设研究”(20JDSZKZ01) 吉林财经大学全国中国特色社会主义政治经济学研究中心校外青年科研项目“习近平关于共同富裕重要论述的原创性贡献研究”(2022WQN011)。
关键词 共同富裕 中国式现代化 马克思主义理论创新 Common prosperity Chinese path to modernization Theoretical innovations of Marxism
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