
拒绝服药精神病患者的心理特点与护理措施研究 被引量:1

A study on Psychological Characteristics and Nursing Measures of Patients who Refuse to Take Medication
摘要 目的 研究精神病患者拒绝服药的心理特点和护理措施。方法 选取2017年4月至2019年5月在本院接受治疗的95例精神病患者为研究对象,回顾分析所有患者的临床资料和治疗记录,自制一份调查问卷,内容为拒绝服药的心态、原因、方式,采取电话回访或上门访问形式。整理资料,总结患者拒绝服药的心理特征,根据各项原因制订护理方案。结果 95例患者中,藏药行为患者占26.32%,呕药行为患者占22.11%,吐药行为患者占21.05%,直接拒绝服药行为占30.53%。95例患者中,拒绝服药原因为未认识到服药重要性患者12例(12.63%),否认自己患病患者共28例(29.47%),怀疑是毒药患者共18例(18.95%),失去信心患者共15例(15.79%),服药引起身体不适共22例(23.16%)。其中,服药引起身体不适为幻觉共2例(9.09%),妄想共3例(13.64%),口干共5例(22.73%),便秘共6例(27.27%),兴奋共5例(22.73%),木僵共1例(4.55%)。95例患者护理后的SDS评分与SAS评分比护理前低(P <0.05)。治疗依从性比护理前高(P <0.05)。结论 药物治疗可促进精神病患者的康复,对患者拒绝服药的心理特征进行分析,制订具有针对性的护理方案,可提高患者的用药依从性。 Objective To study the psychological characteristics and nursing measures of patients with mental illness who refuse to take medication.Methods Ninety-five psychiatric patients who were treated in our hospital from April 2017 to May 2019 were selected as the research objects, the clinical data and treatment records of all patients were reviewed and analyzed, and a questionnaire was made, the contents of which were the mentality,reason and way of refusing to take medicine, and the form of telephone return visit or home visit. Collate the data, summarize the psychological characteristics of patients refusing to take medicine, and make nursing plan according to various reasons. Results Among the 95 patients, 26.32%were with Tibetan medicine behavior, 22.11% were with vomiting behavior, 21.05% were with vomiting behavior, and 30.53% were directly refused to take medicine. The 95 patients, 12(12.63%) refused to take the medication because they did not realise the importance of taking it, 28(29.47%)denied that they were ill, 18(18.95%) suspected that it was poison, 15(15.79%) lost confidence, and 22(23.16%) were unwell from taking the medication. Among them, the physical discomfort caused by the medication was hallucinations in 2 cases(9.09%), delusions in 3 cases(13.64%), dry mouth in 5 cases(22.73%), constipation in 6 cases(27.27%), euphoria in 5 cases(22.73%) and wood stiffness in 1 case(4.55%). The SDS and SAS scores of 95 patients after nursing were lower than those before nursing(P<0.05). The treatment compliance was higher than before nursing(P<0.05).Conclusion Drug therapy can promote the rehabilitation of patients with mental illness, analyze the psychological characteristics of patients refusing to take medicine, and make a targeted nursing plan, which can improve the compliance of patients with medication.
作者 李申 LI Shen(Department of Nursing,Liaoning Provincial Demobilized Soldiers'Corning Hospital,Xingcheng 125100,China)
出处 《中国医药指南》 2023年第4期161-163,共3页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 拒绝服药 药物依从性 精神病患者 心理特点 护理措施 Refusal to take medicine Drug compliance Psychotics Psychological characteristics Nursing measures
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