Based on the hourly precipitation data from 4 observation stations of Xining City from June to September during 2005-2011,the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of short-time precipitation were analyzed.The results show that the precipitation distribution in Xining region exhibited the less-more-less trend from southwest to northeast,while the torrential rain gradually increased from the northwest and southwest to the middle.The hourly general precipitation in Xining region had obviously seasonal characteristics,and its annual distribution showed wavy changes,but the annual variation of short-time heavy precipitation and rainstorm was very obvious.Furthermore,short-time heavy precipitation was concentrated from 18:00 to 24:00,followed by 03:00-07:00 on the following day.The occurrence time of short-time rainstorm accorded with short-time heavy precipitation.It offers a useful reference for the accurate and timely short-term forecast.
Supported by the Key Research and Development and Transformation Project of Science and Technology Department of Qinghai Province in 2021(2021-SF-141-2).