总部设在比利时布鲁塞尔的Artexis Easyfairs公司是全球排名前20的展览公司,集团员工超过700人,主营展会主办和场馆运营两大业务。公司英国与全球业务部董事总经理Matt Benyon表示,有机成长对Artexis Easyfairs的业务增长非常重要,推岀新展和并购是实现公司业务增长非常重要的方式,尤其青睐那些有潜力成为行业领先项目的展会。
In the last 18 mon ths in the UK & Global office alone,Artexis Easyfairs has acquired several leadi ng eve nts in Europe and have geo-cloned some of these into other markets,now the company has ambitious plans to grow and geo-clone the other acquisitions and existing portfolio over the next couple of years.