
美国对印度第一个五年国防计划的援助和限制(1962—1965) 被引量:2

The United States’ Assistance and Restriction to India’s First Five-Year Defense Plan (1962—1965)
摘要 1962年中印边界发生冲突,为美国与印度形成遏制中国的战略共识及较为密切的军事关系提供了契机。印度尼赫鲁政府对国防政策进行全面反思与整顿,制定出以中国为主要军事防范对象的长期国防计划,并寻求美国和苏联等大国对其国防建设的支持。出于拉拢印度、遏制中国的冷战目标,约翰逊政府延续肯尼迪时期的基本政策,继续向印度提供较大规模的军事援助,不仅以此为筹码要求印度修改国防计划,而且试图索要更多的政治回报。围绕对“中国威胁”的判断和应对方式、国防建设的目标和手段等诸多核心问题,美印存在明显分歧。这些分歧反映的是美国在亚洲遏制中国的冷战目标与印度加快军事现代化进程的国家利益之间的抵牾,决定了美印关系发展的限度。无论是冷战时期还是今天,遏制中国的战略共识虽然能促成美印关系迅速升温,但不足以弥合二者国家利益的根本差异。 The Sino-Indian conflict in 1962 provided an opportunity for the United States and India to form strategic consensus to contain China and a close military relationship.As far as India was concerned,the Nehru administration examined and consolidated its defense policy and drew up a long-term defense plan which considered China as its main military opponent.In order to win India over on its side to contain China,the Johnson administration continued to supply a large amount of military assistance to India,and wished to use it as a leverage to force the latter to revise its defense plan and asked for more political returns.It turns out that the United States and India had divergent views on the defense plan,particularly on key areas such as the judgement of “China Threat”,the ways to counter it,the goals and means of defense construction.These divergences reflected not merely tactful dispute,but also fundamentally different interests:while America tried to contain China in Asia,India’s defense plan indicated the transformation of its national strategy which centered on speeding up the process of its defense modernization.Whether during the cold war period or nowadays,though the strategic consensus to contain China could contribute to the improvement of Indo-American military relationship,it is not enough to bridge the fundamental differences in their national interests.
作者 刘恒 LIU Heng(School of History and Archives,Yunnan University,Kunming,Yunnan,650091,China)
出处 《史学集刊》 北大核心 2023年第2期84-96,共13页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“英国与印度的国防建设关系研究(1947—1965)”(21CSS019) 云南大学“双一流”建设创新团队“中印关系与中国边疆安全”的阶段性成果。
关键词 约翰逊政府 印度 国防计划 军事援助 the Johnson administration India defense plan military assistance
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