
孟子道德教育思想:目标、内容、方法与历史贡献 被引量:1

Mencius’ Thought of Moral Education:Objective, Content, Method and Historical Contribution
摘要 孟子穷尽一生追求“仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人”的人格理想,最终酝酿出自己的道德教育思想,留下了宝贵精神遗产。他希冀借助道德之力,重建社会秩序,构建和谐社会,其道德教育思想蕴藏着宏大的伦理情怀和人生抱负。《孟子》是以记言为主的语录体散文,较为全面地记录了孟子的言行,是研究孟子及其道德教育思想的重要资料。孟子关于道德教育的思想及言论散见于《孟子》多章,其道德教育思想内涵丰富、体系完整、逻辑严密,包括道德教育目标、道德教育内容和道德教育方法等。孟子道德教育的目标依据境界层次分为“富贵不移,贫贱不移,威武不屈”的大丈夫人格、“明于庶物,察于人伦”的君子人格和“内圣外王”的圣人人格,最终统一于“人皆可以为尧舜”;道德教育的内容包括“仁义”教育、“孝悌”教育、“人伦”教育和“恭俭”教育,涵盖了伦常生活的方方面面;道德教育的方法包括尽心知性、扩充四端、尚志养气、推己及人和反求诸己,体现了对道德修养的重视。孟子道德教育思想不仅为涵养中华文化自信提供了优秀素材,还在诸多方面有着突出贡献,主要体现在丰富了儒家生态道德教育思想,肯定了道德人格的平等性,在一定程度上影响了中国传统价值观念的建构,促进了社会的和谐与稳定。 Mencius spent his whole life in pursuit of the personality ideal of “no occasion for shame before Heaven, and below, no occasion to blush before men”, and finally incubated his own moral education thought, leaving a valuable spiritual legacy for the later generations. He hoped to rebuild social order and a harmonious society with the help of morality. His moral education ideas contain grand ethical feelings and life aspirations. “Mencius” is a kind of prose in the form of quotations, which records the words and deeds of Mencius in a more comprehensive way. It is the first-hand information to study Mencius and his thought on moral education. Mencius’ thought and remarks on moral education were scattered in many chapters of “Mencius” whose moral education thought is rich in connotation, complete in system and rigorous in logic.According to the state level, the goals of Mencius’ moral education were divided into three personalities including the personality of great men, “not be corrupted by wealth, not be broken by poverty and not be tamed by power”;the personality of gentlemen, “being aware of common things and being aware of human relations”;and the personality of sages, “being a saint internal and a king external”. The goals finally were unified with the idea that “everyone can be Yao and Shun”. The content of moral education includes “benevolence and justice” education, “filial piety” education, “human relations” education and “respect and thrift” education, covering all aspects of ethical life. The methods of moral education include understanding with all heart, expending the four ends(compassion, shame, respect, right and wrong), setting goads and resting, thinking from others’ perspective and self-reflecting, which reflects the importance of self-moral cultivation. The moral education thought of Mencius not only provides excellent materials for the cultivation of Chinese cultural confidence, but also makes outstanding contributions in many aspects, mainly ref
作者 刘志山 黄杉 LIU Zhishan;HUANG Shan
出处 《深圳社会科学》 2023年第2期140-149,共10页 Social Sciences in Shenzhen
基金 广东省教育科学规划课题“先秦儒家道德教育思想研究”(2022GXJK312)。
关键词 孟子 道德教育目标 道德教育内容 道德教育方法 道德修养 Mencius the goals of moral education the content of moral education the methods of moral education self-moral cultivation
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