
可持续旅游概念内涵的中西比较与反思 被引量:3

The Comparison and Reflection of Chinese and Western Sustainable Tourism Concept
摘要 可持续旅游是旅游领域实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标的重要举措与内容之一,如何准确理解其概念与内涵非常重要。文章在系统梳理国内外相关文献及重要国际组织文件的基础上,对中西方可持续旅游的概念内涵进行了比较与反思。研究认为,可持续旅游一开始作为一种消除旅游环境负面影响的活动形式而提出,随着可持续发展思想的推进逐渐在中西方演变成一种旅游发展理念与模式,但西方强调旅游所有利益相关者特别是弱势群体的可持续发展,而中国则强调旅游核心利益相关者的可持续发展,同时也强调空间上区域的均衡发展。当前,可持续旅游是一种强调旅游的环境负面影响最小化(代际公平)、旅游利益分配公平化(代间公平)、区域发展均衡化(空间公平)及旅游业自身可持续的发展理念与模式。 Sustainable tourism is not only a hot topic in the tourism sector at home and abroad, but also one of the important measures to achieve the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. However, the present understanding of what constitutes sustainable tourism is still very contested in both academic circles and practice. Based on a review of definitions and concepts on sustainable tourism in Chinese and Western contexts, this paper highlights that sustainable tourism is not a rigid conceptual framework and its connotation changes over time and social contexts, owning obvious characteristics of social construction. Sustainable tourism was first proposed as a form of tourist activity to remediate the negative environmental impact produced and has gradually developed into a tourism development concept and model in both China and the West. From the perspective of theoretical sources, the western concept of sustainable tourism originated from sustainable development and is an extension of sustainable development into tourism. In Chinese contexts, it is directly translated from Western literature and combined with Chinese conditions and development concepts to adjust its connotation. From the perspective of conceptual connotation, sustainable tourism in China and the West has evolved from a certain tourism activity form to a dominant paradigm which is related to all forms of tourism and can respond to a wide range of contexts. On the other hand, sustainable tourism development has shifted from relatively specific goalposts to broader objectives, aiming to meet both present and future development needs while promoting sustainable development of the local ecological environment, social culture and economy with dual inter-regional and inter-generational characteristics. The difference is that sustainable tourism in the West increasingly emphasizes the cooperation and participation of all tourism stakeholders, especially marginal groups, while Chinese sustainable tourism concepts primarily focus on the sustainable
作者 周小凤 张朝枝 Zhou Xiaofeng;Zhang Chaozhi(School of Tourism Management,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai 519000,China)
出处 《旅游论坛》 2023年第1期43-52,共10页 Tourism Forum
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“旅游发展背景下资源保护对保护地农户生计的影响及作用机理”(42071181)。
关键词 可持续旅游 可持续发展 可持续旅游发展 概念 sustainable tourism sustainable development sustainable tourism development concept
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