为提高区块链追溯系统的可靠性与安全性,采用共识委员会选举机制(Delegated Proof of Record,DPOR)和拜占庭容错算法(Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance,PBFT),对追溯节点数据进行一致性验证,以有效解决系统对节点数量的限制问题,实现对区块链上不同企业产品质量追溯数据的可信共享与监管。结果表明,相较于传统追溯方法,所提追溯方法具有更低通信复杂度和延迟度,且吞吐量更大。由此得出,本研究构建的算法可用于区块连的混合共识追溯。
In order to improve the reliability and security of the blockchain traceability system,the delegated proof of record(DPOR)and the Byzantine fault tolerance(pbft)algorithm are used to verify the consistency of the traceability node data,so as to effectively solve the restriction of the system on the number of nodes and realize the trusted sharing and supervision of the product quality traceability data of different enterprises on the blockchain.The results show that compared with the traditional tracing method,the proposed tracing method has lower communication complexity and delay,and larger throughput.It is concluded that the algorithm constructed in this study can be used for hybrid consensus tracing of block concatenation.
Zhao Yitong;LinLin(Unit 92942 of the Chinese people's Liberation Army,Beijing,China,100161)
Modern Scientific Instruments