The differences between the“Tong Guan Li Qiao”acupuncture therapy and the conventional and current other acupuncture methods for poststroke dysphagia are as follows:first,it adheres to the basic idea of "Xing Nao Kai Qiao"acupuncture therapy in selecting and combining acupoints,centers on the brain,and combines the dysphagia symptoms of the mouth,tongue,and throat-related orifices with the root cause of"brain";second,thereare strictand standard requirements intheacupuncture operation,that is,manipulation quantification.In addition to standardized twirling,lifting,and thrusting,the techniques of deep needling on the acupoints in the neck region,blood-letting puncturing at the posterior wallof the pharynx,and theneedling sensation of"like a fishbone getting stuck in the throat"are all unique.
Registry on Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy in Stroke Patients(2019YFC0840709).