
去势时间对从江香猪肉质性状的影响 被引量:1

Effects of castration time on meat quality of Congjiang Xiang pig
摘要 【目的】综合分析不同日龄去势对从江香猪肉质性状的影响,为从江香猪最佳去势日龄的确定提供参考依据。【方法】选取12头20日龄从江香公猪,分为25日龄去势组(C25d组)、120日龄去势组(C120d组)、180日龄去势组(C180d组)和未去势组(UC组),统一饲养管理至240日龄屠宰,参照NY/T 821—2004《猪肌肉品质测定技术规范》测定肉质性状后采用主成分分析法构建肉质综合评分模型,并结合ELISA和实时荧光定量PCR检测香猪膻味物质含量及参与代谢膻味物质基因的表达水平。【结果】C25d组的肌肉pH24 h显著高于C120d组(P<0.05,下同);肉色评分中,UC组和C25d组显著高于C180d组和C120d组;剪切力和肌肉脂肪含量与肉色恰好相反,表现为C180d组和C120d组显著高于UC组和C25d组;肌肉水分含量表现为C25d组>UC组>C180d组>C120d组;肌肉蛋白含量表现为C120d组显著高于C180d组、C25d组及UC组。以主成分分析构建肉质性状综合评分模型,从10个肉质指标中提取出3个主成分(累积贡献率为100.00%),第一主成分包括肉色、剪切力、肌肉水分含量和肌肉脂肪含量,第二主成分包括pH24 h、大理石纹和滴水损失,第三主成分包括pH45 min、熟肉率和肌肉蛋白含量;从江香公猪肉质综合评分排序为C25d组>UC组>C180d组>C120d组。去势时间对从江香公猪肝脏和脂肪中的雄烯酮含量,以及脂肪、背最长肌和肝脏中的粪臭素含量影响均不显著(P>0.05,下同);但背最长肌中的雄烯酮含量表现为C25d组显著低于C120d组和UC组。粪臭素代谢关键酶CYP2E1基因在C120d组、C180d组和UC组从江香公猪的肝脏中均有表达,且组间差异均不显著。【结论】不同去势时间对从江香公猪肉色、剪切力、肌肉脂肪、肌肉水分和肌肉蛋白均存在影响。从江香公猪25日龄去势的肉质较好,错过该时间或考虑动物福利则建议不进行去势为宜。 【Objective】To analyze effects ofdifferent castration time on meat quality of Congjiang Xiang pigs and to provide reference fordetermining optimal castration time of Congjiang Xiang pigs.【Method】12 male Congjiang Xiang pigs of 20d were selected to form a 25d-castrated group(C25dgroup),120d-castrated group(C120dgroup),180d-castrated group(C180dgroup)and uncastrated group(UC group). They were fed and managed uniformly until they were slaughtered at 240d. Based on meat quality traits measured according to Technical Regulation for Determination of Pork Quality(NY/T 821—2004),a meat quality comprehensive scoring model was constructed by principal component analysis. ELISA and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR(qRT-PCR)were used todetect the content of taint substances in the pigs and expression of genes involved in metabolic taint substances.【Result】Muscle pH24 hof C25dgroup was significantly higher than that of C120dgroup(P<0.05,the same below);in terms of meat color score,the scores of UC group and C25dgroup were significantly higher than those of C180dgroup and C120dgroup;unlike situation of meat color,shear force and intramuscular fat content of C180dgroup and C120dgroup were significantly higher than those of UC group and C25dgroup;intramuscular moisture content followed an order of C25dgroup > UC group > C180dgroup > C120dgroup;intramuscular protein content of C120dgroup was significantly higher than that of C180dgroup,C25dgroup and UC group. The comprehensive scoring model of meat quality traits was established through principal component analysis(PCA). Three principal components(cumulative contribution rate of 100.00%)were extracted from 10 meat quality indexes,the first principal component included meat color,shear force,intramuscular moisture and intramuscular fat content,the second principal component included pH24 h,marbling anddrip loss,and the third principal component included pH45 min,cooked meat rate and intramuscular protein content. The comprehensive score of meat quality of Congji
作者 牟琪 冯贤辀 蔡栋 徐永健 龚婷 MU Qi;FENG Xian-zhou;CAI Dong;XU Yong-jian;GONG Ting(Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics,Breeding and Reproduction in the Plateau Mountainous Region,Ministry of Education/Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics,Breeding and Reproduction,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025,China;College of Animal Science,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025,China)
出处 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期3276-3284,共9页 Journal of Southern Agriculture
基金 贵州省科学技术基金项目(黔科合基础[2018]1404,黔科合基础[2020]1Y135) 贵州大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(贵大国创字[2020]045号)。
关键词 从江香猪 去势 肉质性状 雄烯酮 粪臭素 CYP2E1基因 Congjiang Xiang pig castration meat quality trait androsterone skatole CYP2E1 gene
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