

Spatial-temporal Evolution and Obstacle Factors Between Tourism Economy and Eco-environment in Five Provinces of Northwest China
摘要 以西北五省为研究单元,基于统计数据和遥感数据构建旅游经济系统和生态环境系统综合指标体系,利用耦合协调度模型分析2000—2019年西北五省旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调效应,并进一步利用障碍度模型诊断二者的障碍因子.结果表明:①2000—2019年期间,西北五省旅游经济系统呈平稳上升的趋势,其值由2000年的0.0297增加到2019年的0.9753;生态环境系统的值呈现先减小后增加的趋势,最高值出现在2018年(0.6496),最低值出现在2006年(0.3959);②2000—2019年西北五省旅游经济和生态环境的耦合度呈波动上升的趋势,协调度经历了中度失调—濒临失调—勉强协调—初级协调—中级协调—良好协调的发展阶段.从协同效应子类别来看,主要经历了旅游发展滞后型、均衡发展型以及生态环境发展滞后型;③影响西北五省旅游经济系统的障碍因子主要为国内旅游收入(TI2)、国内旅游者人数(TI4)和旅游收入占GDP比重(TI5),其障碍度分别为26.05%、20.72%和16.31%;④影响西北五省生态环境系统的障碍因子主要为人均工业废气排放量(EI8)、人均绿地面积(EI5)和人均能源消耗(EI10),其障碍度分别为10.80%、10.58%和9.72%. Taking the five provinces of Northwest China as the research area and based on the statistical data and remote sensing data,this paper constructed the comprehensive index system of tourism economy and eco-environment system.Interactive coupling relationship between tourism economy and ecological environment was evaluated.Then,obstacle factors of tourism economy and ecological environment were diagnosed by using the obstacle degree model.Results show that:①Tourism economy system in five provinces of Northwest China showed a rapid growth trend,and the values form 0.0297 in 2000 to 0.9753 in 2019.Ecological environment system showed decreases first and then increases.The highest value(0.6496)appears in 2018 and lowest value(0.3959)in 2006;②The coordination between the tourism economy and the eco-environment manifested a fluctuating growth trend during 2000-2019,and experienced the stages of moderate disorders,near disorders,mere coordination,primary coordination,intermediate coordination and good coordination.The synergistic effects of the composite system had experienced the stages of tourism economy lagging behind eco-environment,balanced development and eco-environment lagging behind tourism economy;③The domestic tourism revenue,number of domestic tourists,and proportion of tourism income in GDP were the main factors that affect the tourism economy system,and the values of obstacle degree was 26.05%,20.72% and 16.31%,respectively;④The per capita industrial waste gas emission,per capita park green area,and per capita energy consumption were the main factors that affect the eco-environment system,and the values of obstacle degree was 10.80%,10.58% and 9.72%,respectively.
作者 陈晓红 赵安周 CHEN Xiaohong;ZHAO Anzhou(School of Management,Shaanxi Institute of International Trade and Commerce,Xi’an 710119,China;School of Mining and Geomatics,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056038,Hebei China)
出处 《河南科学》 2022年第12期2031-2039,共9页 Henan Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42171212) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(18YJCZH257)。
关键词 旅游经济系统 生态环境系统 耦合协调度 障碍因子 西北五省 tourism economy system eco-environment system coordination degree obstacle factor Five provinces in Northwest China
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