
云南八倍体割手密84-268血缘F2群体表型多样性分析 被引量:1

Phenotypic Diversity Analysis of F2 population of Yunnan Octaploid Clones of Saccharum spontaneum 84-268
摘要 本研究以100份云南八倍体割手密84-268血缘F2群体创新种质为材料,对其株高、茎径、锤度、有效茎数、单茎重、蔗茎产量和糖产量等7个主要农艺性状进行频率分布直方图分析、遗传多样性分析、相关分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。结果表明:该群体的7个农艺性状数据表现出较好的正态分布、变异较丰富,变异系数在9.91%~50.76%之间,其中糖产量的变异系数最大达到50.76%;相关和逐步回归分析表明,蔗茎产量与株高、茎径和有效茎数呈极显著正相关,决定系数为0.9282;糖产量主要由株高、茎径、锤度、单茎重和有效茎数5个因素决定,决定系数为0.9160;主成分分析将7个农艺性状综合为3个主要成分,其累积贡献率达86.985%,其中第一主成分即蔗茎产量糖分因子是最重要的因子,其贡献率达47.615%;在欧氏距离为6.00处将100份创新材料分为3类,结果与主成分得分结果一致,其中第Ⅰ类群的7个性状指标均优异,共筛选出15个优质材料,其主成分综合得分较高,尤其值得关注的是云割F218-226-7、云割F218-226-14、云割F218-226-89、云割F218-226-48、云割F218-226-96、云割F218-226-21、云割F218-226-43和云割F218-226-5等8份材料,可以进一步筛选作为亲本材料或后备核心种质。 In this study,100 matreials of innovative germplasm from Yunnan octoploid Saccharum spontaneum L.84-268 bloodline F2 population were used as materials,and 7 main agronomic factors including plant height,stalk diameter,brix,effective stalk number,single stalk weight,cane yield and sugar yield were measured,and frequency distribution histogram analysis,coefficient of variation analysis,correlation analysis,principal component analysis and cluster analysis were done.The results showed that the data of the 7 agronomic traits presented a good normal distribution and abundant variation with the variation coefficient ranging from 9.91%to 50.76%,and the maximum variation coefficient of sugar yield was 50.76%.Correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis showed that the cane yield was significantly and positively correlated with plant height,stalk diameter and effective stalk number,having a determination coefficient of 0.9282.The sugar yield was mainly determined by plant height,stalk diameter,brix,single stalk weight and effective stalk number,and the coefficient of determination was 0.9160.The seven agronomic traits were integrated into three main components by principal component analysis,and the cumulative contribution rate was 86.985%.The first principal component,cane yield and sugar factor,was the most important factor,which contributing rate was 47.615%.At the Euclidean distance of 6.00,the 100 innovative materials were divided into3 categories,and the results were consistent with the principal component scoring.The 7 traits were excellent in groupⅠ,and a total of 15 high-quality materials were screened out,which had a high principal component score.In particular,it was worth of paying high attention to YGF218-226-7,YGF218-226-14,YGF218-226-89,YGF218-226-48,YGF218-226-96,YGF218-226-21,YGF218-226-43 and YGF218-226-5.These materials can be further screened as the parents or reserved as core germplasm for breeding research.
作者 俞华先 安汝东 董立华 桃联安 刘家勇 田春艳 经艳芬 郎荣斌 边芯 周清明 孙有芳 张钰 YU Huaxian;AN Rudong;DONG Lihua;TAO Lian’an;LIU Jiayong;TIAN Chunyan;JING Yanfen;LANGRongbin;BIAN Xin;ZHOU Qingming;SUN Youfang;ZHANG Yu(Ruili Breeding Station,Sugarcane Research Institute,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Ruili,Yunnan 678600,China)
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期49-63,共15页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.31860406,No.31960448) 云南省农业联合专项重点项目(No.202101BD070001-025)。
关键词 割手密 八倍体 遗传多样性 主成分分析 聚类分析 Saccharum spontaneum L. octoploid genetic diversity principal component analysis cluster analysis
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