
近代国人的现代国家认同--从戊戌变法到辛亥革命 被引量:3

The Modern National Identity of Modern Chinese: From the Reform Movement of 1898 to the Revolution of 1911
摘要 近代国人的现代国家认同既是近代中国融入世界过程的应有之义,也是甲午战后新生资产阶级登上政治舞台的产物。从戊戌到辛亥,维新派与革命派两大政治派别先后领导了戊戌变法与辛亥革命,前者打破了王朝国家的坚冰,将现代国家认同的价值取向第一次引入了国人的视野;后者则径直推翻了王朝国家,创建了民主共和的新国家。如果说民国建立是近代国人现代国家认同的里程碑,那么其奠基则应追溯至戊戌时期。两派各有所见,各有所蔽。前者主张共和革命,顺应了时代的走向;但其倡“排满”与“种族革命”,却不免有封建种族主义的偏见,而与民族建国初衷相矛盾。后者抵拒共和,失去了曾拥有的时代弄潮儿的资格;但其反对“排满”与“种族革命”,主张以四万万人“组成一大民族”共御外侮等等,在处理中国多民族关系的问题上,表现了较前者更为理性的精神,应乎了民族建国的历史大趋势。二者的矛盾与冲突,形成了历史张力。“五族共和”显然是扬弃了双方的“所蔽”,而包容了彼此的“所见”:“大民族主义”与共和革命,即体现了民族建国的应有之义。中华民国的建立成为了近代国人实现现代国家认同的重要里程碑,同时也彰显了近代中华民族共同体意识的觉醒。 The modern national identity of modern Chinese is not only the due meaning of the process of modern China’s integration into the world, but also the product of the new bourgeoisie’s rise to the political stage after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.From 1898 to 1911,two major political factions, the reformers and the revolutionaries, led the 1898 Reform Movement and the Revolution of 1911 successively.The former broke the ice of the dynastic state and introduced the value orientation of modern national identity into the vision of Chinese people for the first time.The latter directly overthrew the dynastic state and created the Republic of China.If we say that the establishment of the Republic of China is a milestone of modern national identity, the starting point should be traced back to the 1898 Reform Movement.The two factions have their own viewpoints and weak points.The former advocated the republican revolution, conforming to the trend of the times;However, it advocated “Anti-Manchu” and “Racial Revolution” which cannot avoid the prejudice of feudal racism, and contradicted the original intention of the nation.The latter rejected the Republicanism, and lost the qualification as trendsetter of the times.However, it opposed the “Anti-Manchu” and “Racial Revolution” and advocated that 400 million people should “form a large nation” to jointly resisted foreign aggression.In dealing with China’s multi-ethnic relations, it showed a more rational spirit than the former and corresponded to the historical trend of nation-building.The contradiction and conflict between them form a historical tension.The “Union of Five Races” obviously sublated the “weak points” of both sides, and included their respective “strong points”,namely, “big nationalism” and republican revolution, which reflect the due meaning of nation-building.The establishment of the Republic of China became an important milestone for modern Chinese people to achieve their modern national identity, and it also hi
作者 郑师渠 ZHENG Shiqu(School of History,Cultivation Base of Strengthening the Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation,BNU,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期115-132,共18页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金“铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究专项”重大项目“近代中华民族共同体意识的觉醒”(21VMZ005)。
关键词 现代国家认同 民族国家 维新派 革命派 modern national identity national state reformers revolutionaries
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