基于经济的原因,我国35 kV架空线路通常不安装避雷线,而35 kV单回输电线路途经高山多雷地带,极易遭受雷击,威胁电气设备安全运行,引起跳闸事故。基于35 kV架空线路雷电活动特征及线路参数,在ATP-EMTP电磁暂态仿真软件中建立35 kV线路耐雷水平计算模型。输电线路采用J.Marti模型,杆塔采用集中参数模型,雷电流采用Heidler模型,通过MODEL模块建立杆塔的冲击接地电阻模型和相交法闪络判据绝缘子模型。基于二分法原理,改变雷电流幅值,对35 kV架空线路有无避雷线的情况分别进行仿真计算,并改变接地电阻的大小,计算直击雷耐雷水平,得出安装避雷线的同时降低杆塔接地电阻能有效提高35 kV架空线路的耐雷水平。
Due to economic reasons,35 kV overhead lines in China usually do not install lightning conductors.The 35 kV single circuit transmission line passes through high mountains and thunderstorm areas,which is vulnerable to lightning strike,threatening the safe operation of electrical equipment and causing tripping accidents.Based on the lightning activity characteristics and line parameters of 35 kV overhead line,a lightning resistance level calculation model of 35 kV line is established in ATP-EMTP electromagnetic transient simulation software.The transmission line adopts J Marti model,the tower adopts the lumped parameter model,and the lightning current adopts the Heidler model.The impulse grounding resistance model and the intersection flashover criterion insulator model of the tower are established through the MODEL module.Based on the principle of dichotomous,the amplitude of the lightning current is changed,and the situation of whether there is a lightning protection line in the 35 kV overhead line is simulated separately.At the same time,change the size of the grounding resistance and calculate the direct lightning level.It is concluded that installing the lightning protection line while reducing the ground resistance of the pole tower can effectively increase the lightning resistance level of the 35 kV overhead line.
CHEN Yafang(Guangzhou Zhongguang Electric Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510530,China)
Electric Engineering
南方电网公司科技项目“35 kV架空输电线路雷电防护评估系统及智能监测装置研发”(编号031600KK52200001(GDKJXM20200771))。
EMTP simulation
lightning resistance level
overdead line
ground wire