细胞生物学(cell biology)旧称细胞学(cytology),是研究细胞的形态结构、生理机能、细胞周期、细胞分裂、细胞自噬、细胞凋亡,以及各种胞器及讯息传递路径的学科。中医的“阴阳”是一门哲学术语,是一种方法论。中医能治好病决非偶然,中医治病的科学性,就在于通过中药的“四气五味”“升降浮沉”“活血化瘀”来净化人体的血液,让人体的组织细胞浸浴在一个良好的生态环境中,与周边进行物质和能量的交换,吸收营养,排出废物,从而让组织细胞逐步地调整和修复自身的功能及时空代谢,使疾病渐渐消失。中医“阴阳”的核心理论是细胞代谢这一命题成立,那么中医就具有了一个完整的理论体系。
Cytology is the study of the structure, physiology, cell cycle, cell division, autophagy and apoptosis of cells, and all kinds of organelles and information transmission pathways. "Yin-yang" in TCM is a philosophical term and a methodology. It is no accident that traditional Chinese medicine can cure diseases. The scientific nature of traditional Chinese medicine lies in purifying the blood of the human body through its"Four qi and five tastes""Rise and fall""Activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis", let the human body’s tissues and cells immerse in a good ecological environment, exchange material and energy with the surroundings, absorb nutrition, and discharge waste, so that tissue cells gradually to adjust and repair their own functions and space-time metabolism, so that the disease gradually disappeared. The core theory of"Yin-yang" in TCM is cell metabolism, so TCM has a complete theoretical system.
DAI Yuantao(Shanghai Pudong New Area Hong Kong United Clinic,Shanghai 200000,China)