
新型旅行群体——数字游牧民:概念、演化与研究进展 被引量:19

A New Travel Group——Digital Nomad: Concept, Evolution, and Research Progress
摘要 新冠疫情暴发后,数字游牧民这一在旅行的同时远程工作的群体成为全球学界和业界关注的热点。随着我国数字游牧民群体数量的上升,以云南大理、浙江安吉为代表的旅游地正在向典型的数字游牧民目的地方向发展,且这一趋势正在扩大。然而,目前我国学界对数字游牧民的概念较为陌生,学术研究较为罕见,学术研究落后于产业实践。文章基于文献内容分析,概念性阐述了数字游牧民是什么,包含定义、特征及其支撑体系;从演化视角回答了数字游牧民从何而来,剖析了工作方式演化、休闲旅行方式演化和生活方式演化3条线索;梳理了目前数字游牧民的研究现状,包含研究主题和理论框架,并分析了现有研究尚未解决的问题,以此给出数字游牧民未来的研究方向。文章建立了开展数字游牧民研究的基线,以期吸引更多学者投入到数字游牧民研究中来,为数字经济大发展背景下,新流动性群体到来以及随之而来的旅游地变革提供相关理论的发展、构建和实践创新基础。 Since the outbreak of COVID-19, digital nomads, a group of people who work remotely while traveling, have been emerging as a hot research topic in the global academic community. With the rising number of digital nomads in China, several tourist destinations, such as Dali in Yunnan, and Anji in Zhejiang, have evolved into digital nomad destinations, and this trend is expanding. However, the concept of digital nomads remains relatively unexamined by China’s academic community, as evidenced by the limited academic research and considerable lag of academic research behind industry practice.First, this paper establishes the conceptual foundations of digital nomads based on content analysis. It offers a detailed definition established through an exploration of the work, travel, and lifestyle perspectives of digital nomads. Six indicators have been identified to distinguish digital nomads from remote workers, business travelers, and working tourists, including location independence,mobility, work focus, work digitization, precarity, and travel frequency. Further, the characteristics(including the pursuit of freedom, uninterrupted travel, working while traveling, professional and informational literacy, and invasion and integration of the destination culture) and supporting systems(co-spaces, digital and technical support, and economic and social support) are discussed. Next, this paper investigated the origin and evolution of digital nomads through an analysis of the evolutionary paths of work style from nomadic worker to digital knowmad, and from knowledge worker to digital knowledge worker to digital knowmad, the evolution of leisure travel style from backpacker to flashpacker to flashpacker nomad and the evolution of lifestyle from nomad to global/neo-nomad to digital nomad. Finally, the current state of digital nomad research is surveyed, highlighting research themes, key theoretical frameworks, gaps in knowledge, and areas for future research. Insights into digital nomads are explored, including(1) the applicabil
作者 黎巎 苏婷婷 Gang LI Cody Morris PARIS LI Nao;SU Tingting;Gang LI;Cody Morris PARIS(School of International Economics and Management,Beijing Technology and Business University,Beijing 100048,China;School of Information Technology,Deakin University,Melbourne 3125,Australia;Business School,MiddlesexUniversityDubai,Dubai,United ArabEmirates)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期122-133,共12页 Tourism Tribune
关键词 数字游牧民 闪客 知识工作者 数字工作者 digital nomad flashpacker knowledge worker digital worker
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