目的 了解宁波市住院医师规范化培训学员(简称住培学员)对新型冠状病毒疫苗(简称新冠疫苗)的认知情况、接种意愿,并分析其影响因素,进而为新冠疫苗在我市住培学员群体和一般人群中的接种推广提供参考。方法 采用方便抽样,选取宁波市目前在培的住培学员192名作为调查对象,采用自编调查问卷,于2021年1月15—25日对调查对象进行网络问卷调查,并对数据进行统计分析。结果 超过70.00%的调查对象答对了截至调查日期我国附条件上市的疫苗种类、接种针次、接种方式、接种部位等,66.15%(127名)的调查对象全部答对疫苗接种常见不良反应,4.17%(8名)的调查对象全部答对疫苗优先接种人群,31.25%(60名)的调查对象全部答对疫苗接种禁忌人群。此外,70.31%(135名)的调查对象愿意接种新冠疫苗,29.69%(57名)的调查对象不愿意接种新冠疫苗。对调查对象不愿意接种新冠疫苗的原因进行调查:47.37%(27名)的调查对象选择了疫苗刚上市、担心疫苗不安全,40.35%(23名)的调查对象选择了存在禁忌证,28.07%(16名)的调查对象选择了担心疫苗不起作用。结论 宁波市住培学员对新冠疫苗认知度较高,接种意愿积极。在对该人群进行新冠疫苗接种的后续推广过程中,需要加强对疫苗安全性、有效性和禁忌证的宣传。
Objective To understand the awareness and willingness of standardized training of residents(hereinafter referred to as residents) in Ningbo on COVID-19 vaccines and analyze the influencing factors to provide a reference for the vaccination and promotion of COVID-19 vaccines in residents and general population in Ningbo.Methods A total of 192 residents in Ningbo were selected by convenience sampling.A self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the respondents from January 15 to 25,2021.The data were statistically analyzed.Results More than 70.00 % of the respondents answered correctly the types,number of shots,methods,and sites of vaccines marketed in China as of the survey date,66.15%(127) of the respondents answered correctly the common adverse reactions of vaccination,4.17%(8) of the respondents answered correctly the prioritized vaccination population,and 31.25 %(60) of the respondents answered correctly the contraindicated vaccination population.In addition,70.31 %(135) of the respondents were willing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and 29.69%(57) were unwilling to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.Respondents’ reasons for reluctance to receive the COVID-19 vaccine were investigated:47.37%(27) of respondents chose that the vaccine was newly launched and feared the vaccine was unsafe,40.35%(23) chose the presence of contraindications,and 28.07%(16) chose the ineffectiveness of the vaccine.Conclusion The residents in Ningbo have a high awareness of COVID-19 vaccines and a positive willingness towards vaccination.During the subsequent promotion of COVID-19 vaccination in this population,there is a need to strengthen the publicity of vaccine safety,efficacy,and contraindications.
Sun Jiawei;Yang Naibin;Fan Runjie;Fan Wei;Huang Kai(Department of General Medicine,Longshan Healthcare Group,Ningbo First Hospital,Ningbo Zhejiang 315311,China;Department of Infectious Diseases,Ningbo First Hospital,Ningbo Zhejiang 315300,China;Department of General Practice,Fenghua People's Hospital(Weihu),Ningbo Zhejiang 315500,China;Department of General Practice,Ningbo First Hospital,Ningbo Zhejiang 315300,China)
Health Medicine Research and Practice
COVID-19 vaccines
Standardized training of residents
Cognitive status
Awareness to vaccination