
音频地电场采集平台设计与实验研究 被引量:1

Experiment research and acquisition platform design of geoelectric field
摘要 本文针对1 Hz~2 kHz地电场信号的采集需求,设计实现了一种多通道并行采集与上位机数据处理的仪器设计方案.其中信号采集部分采用微弱信号检测技术,同时对多路信号进行前置放大、信号调理,模数转换后存储在SD卡上或上传至上位机存储.上位机数据处理软件实现数字滤波选频、频谱分析、天然电场动态信号分析等功能,得到相应结果并自动成图.本文通过室内实验验证通道稳定性、一致性基础上进行了多次室外或野外实验:例如在湖南科技大学地下水水源地附近进行了通道一致性实验和地下水探测实验;针对双频激电仪2频组信号设计了三种不同条件下的信号采集实验,实验结果良好;在湖南省浏阳市大围山白泥村开展了寻找基岩裂隙水的探测实验,将本装置与湖南继善高科技有限公司SQ-5型双频激电仪、湖南普奇地质勘察设备研究院PQWT-S300天然电场找水仪进行了实验对比,实验结果定位的地下水异常点与另外两种仪器探测结果一致,表明了本装置在地质勘探应用中的可行性和有效性.本装置可同时采集多个测点信号,能在1 Hz~2 kHz频带内提取高密频点的时频信号,可移植性强、易于功能扩展,且成本低廉,在资源勘察、工程物探等方面应用前景良好. Aiming at the requirement of acquiring geoelectric field signal from 1 Hz to 2 kHz,this report designs and implements an apparatus scheme which consisted by parallel multi-channel acquisition and upper computer data processing.Using the technology of weak signal detection in the part of signal acquisition,when multipath signal is pre-amplified,conditioned,and conversed analog to digital at the same time,then saved in SD card or transferred to upper computer to restore.Upper computer data procession software implements digital filtering and frequency selection,spectrum analysis,analyzing dynamic information of natural electric field,then get the corresponding results and graph automatically.Several outdoor or field experiments are carried out on the basis of the stability and consistency between channels verified by indoor experiments.For example,the channel consistency experiment and groundwater detection experiment were carried out near the groundwater source of Hunan University of Science and Technology.The experiment of signal acquisition under three condition is designed for the double frequency group signal produced by dual-frequency IP instrument,and the results show good.The device was compared with the SQ-5 dual-frequency IP instrument of Hunan Geosun Hi-Technology CO.LTD and PQWT-S300 natural field water finder of Hunan Puqi Geophysical Survey Equipment Research Institute in the exploration experiment of searching for fracture water in bedrock.The results shows that the anomalous points of groundwater located by the experiment are consistent with those detected by the other two instruments,which indicates that feasibility and effectiveness of this device in geological exploration.This equipment can simultaneously collect signals from multiple stations and extract high dense time-frequency signals in frequency band from 1 Hz to 2 kHz,besides it has strong portability,easy function expansion,low cost,and has a good application prospect in resource exploration and geophysical engineering exploration.
作者 付国红 向浩轩 程辉 杨天春 王世杰 王丹齐 FU GuoHong;XIANG HaoXuan;CHENG Hui;YANG TianChun;WANG ShiJie;WANG DanQi(Engineering Research Center of Advanced Mining Equipment,Ministry of Education,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411201,China;Guangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Concealed Metal Mineral Exploration,Guilin University of Technology,Guilin 541006,China)
出处 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期2541-2551,共11页 Progress in Geophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金(42074219,41674075) 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFF0706200) 湖南省自然科学基金(2021JJ30241) 广西隐伏金属矿产勘查重点实验室(1207120K01)联合资助。
关键词 音频地电场 多通道采集 微弱信号检测 对比实验 Audio geoelectric field Multi-channel acquisition Weak signal detection Comparative experiment
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