目前,在10kV配网自动化建设方法的自动化配置过程中,未对自动化运行的电压偏差量进行设计,增加了很多不必要的工作,导致功率的损耗程度较大。因此,文章基于一体化智能环网柜的10 kV配网自动化建设进行研究。首先,通过一体化智能环网柜的特征构建智能控制模块,再根据模块中获取的数据和10kV配网自动化运行的电压偏差量来完成10 kV配网自动化配置,完成配网自动化配置后,对配网进行自动化建设,包括SCZAD自动化功能建设和馈线自动化建设。实验中,通过统计某地区2016-2020年的10kV配网自动化建设情况,对提出的方法进行验证,经实验结果分析证明,采用基于一体化智能环网柜的10kV配网自动化建设的配网功率消耗较低,较其他两种方法的功率损耗可减少约20000kWo此方法可以有效减少配网运行的消耗,对提高配网的运行效率具有一定现实意义。
In the process of automatic confi guration of the current 10 kV distribution network automation construction method,there is no design of automatic operation voltage deviation,which increases a lot of unnecessary workload,so the power loss is huge.Therefore,the research on 10 kV distribution network automation construction based on integrated intelligent ring main cabinet is proposed.Firstly,the intelligent control module shall be constructed by the characteristics of the integrated intelligent ring main cabinet.The 10 kV distribution network automation configuration shall be completed according to the data obtained in the module and the voltage deviation of the 10 kV distribution network automation operation.After the distribution network automation configuration is completed,the distribution network automation construction shall be carried out,including the sczad automation function construction and feeder automation construction.In the experiment,through the statistics of the construction of 10 kV distribution network automation in a certain area from 2016 to 2020,and the verification of the proposed method,the analysis of the experimental results shows that the power consumption of the 10 kV distribution network automation construction based on the integrated intelligent ring main cabinet is lower,and the power consumption can be reduced by about 20000 kW compared with the other two methods.This method can effectively reduce the consumption of distribution network operation,and has certain practical significance to improve the operation efficiency of distribution network.
TIAN Taishuai(Guangzhou Electric Power Engineering Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510335,China)
Automation Application
smart ring
net cabinet
10 kV distribution network
automation construction