当莎拉·马西森(Sarah Matheson)和她的家人以及当时三岁的儿子去泰国普吉岛度假时,她没有想到的是,因为严重的过敏反应,要把年幼的孩子送到急诊室。她的儿子吃了一块含有坚果的饼干,之前却被告之这个饼干里只含有巧克力,这说明了食物过敏患者面临着极端挑战。
When Sarah Matheson went on vacation to Thailand in Phuket with her family and her then-three-year-old son,rushing her young child to the emergency room in response to extreme anaphylaxis was the last thing she had planned on.But her son had eaten a cookie full of nuts after being told it only contained chocolate chips,illustrating the extreme challenges facing people with food allergies.
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