The p-y curve method is the main method to analyze the bearing deformation characteristics of laterally loaded pile,and the key is to construct a reasonable p-y curve.Two groups,i.e.,ten laterally loaded batter piles are tested.Only horizontal static load is stepped applied to 2 batter piles,and the other 8 batter piles are first applied unidirectional horizontal cyclic load with different amplitude,and then applied horizontal static load in different stages.The lateral displacement and strain of 10 batter piles at the sand surface are tested,and the bending moment of the pile is calculated according to the pile strain.The soil reaction and the corresponding horizontal displacement of pile are obtained according to the Euler-Bernoulli's beam theory.The hyperbolic p-y curve of batter piles was established by calculating results when it bears one-way laterally cyclic load and then bears the laterally static load.Then,the determination method of initial foundation reaction modulus and limit soil resistance of batter piles side is given.The responses of batter piles in model test of this paper and reference were calculated by using this hyperbolic p-y curve.It indicates that the calculated results are in good agreement with the measured results and demonstrates that the constructed hyperbolic p-y curve is reasonable.Finally,the horizontal displacement and internal force of batter piles under one-way laterally cyclic load and then laterally static load were calculated using this p-y curve.The calculation results show that:(1)the fixed batter piles top can effectively reduce the horizontal displacement,bending moment and shearing force of batter piles comparing with the free pile top.(2)Under the effect of one-way laterally cyclic load,the horizontal displacement maximum,bending moment and shearing force of positive batter pile are smaller than those of negative batter pile.(3)For both positive and negative batter piles,the horizontal displacement of batter piles top and the shearing force of batter piles decrease with
Cao Weiping;Xie Zedong;Yue Yaxin;Zhang Weiwei(College of Civil Engineering,Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi'an 710055,P.R.China;Shanxi Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Space Engineering,Xi'an 710055,P.R.China;School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics,Zhengzhou 450046,P.R.China)
Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering