
汪受传教授辨治儿童焦虑障碍经验 被引量:1

Experience of Professor WANG Shouchuan in Differentiating and Treating Children with Anxiety Disorder
摘要 [目的]总结汪受传教授辨治儿童焦虑障碍的临证经验。[方法]通过跟师侍诊,收集整理并记录分析汪师治疗儿童焦虑障碍的医案,查阅相关古籍和文献资料,阐述汪师对该病病位、病机的认识,分析其诊治思路,并附验案以佐证。[结果]汪师认为,焦虑障碍病位主要在心,不离乎五脏,主要由脏腑功能失调,心神失养或受扰所致,辨证时应首辨脏腑,次辨虚实,后辨兼夹,擅用调和脏腑、宁心安神法,随证以施治。所附验案初诊以实证为主,辨为痰火内扰,心肝失主,治以豁痰清心、安神定志;后转为肺脾气虚,心神失养,以虚证为主,治以益气化痰、养心安神,最终取得满意疗效。[结论]汪师辨治儿童焦虑障碍,详辨病位,紧扣病机,重视痰火,以“调和脏腑,宁心安神”为基本治则,治效显著,其经验值得临床学习和推广。 [Objective] To summarize Professor WANG Shouchuan’s clinical experience in differentiating and treating children with anxiety disorder. [Methods] By following Professor WANG’s outpatient department, collecting, sorting out and analyzing medical cases,and consulting relevant ancient books and literatures, this paper expounded Professor WANG’s understanding of the disease location and pathogenesis, and further analyzed and summarized his academic thoughts and clinical ideas on the treatment of pediatric anxiety disorder, and one typical case was attached as proof. [Results] Professor WANG holds that anxiety disorder is located in the heart and closely associated with the five viscera, and the principle pathogenesis is dysfunction of the viscera and disturbance of the mind.Meanwhile, he proposes that the disease location of viscera should be identified first, then the disease nature of deficiency and excess,and then the combination of pathological factors. Ultimately, the treatment methods of reconciling the viscera, calming the heart, and tranquilizing the mind are skillfully used according to the traditional Chinese medical syndrome. The presented case was initially differentiated as disturbance of phlegm and fire, and disorder between the heart and liver was mainly manifested with the excess syndrome, thus the treatment was to eliminate phlegm, clear the heart, tranquilize and sedate the mind accordingly;while the same case was identified as deficiency of the lung and spleen, and undernourishment of the mind afterwards, which was mainly manifested with the deficiency syndrome, hence the patient was treated with replenishing Qi, resolving phlegm, nourishing the heart and calming the mind, achieving obvious therapeutic effects eventually. [Conclusion] Professor WANG treats children with anxiety disorder by means of meticulously identifying disease location, closely focusing on pathogenesis, and critically emphasizing phlegm and fire. With the treatment principle of “reconciling the viscera, calming the hear
作者 陈慧 汪受传 CHEN Hui;WANG Shouchuan(Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing(210029),China)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2022年第11期1241-1243,共3页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 国家中医药管理局全国名中医传承工作室建设项目(国中医药人教发[2018]119号)。
关键词 焦虑障碍 儿科 脏腑辨证 痰火 宁心安神 名老中医经验 汪受传 anxiety disorder pediatrics viscera syndrome differentiation phlegm and fire calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind experience of famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor WANG Shouchuan
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