
秩序与安乐:邵雍的易学与诗学 被引量:2

Orderly and Comfort: Shao Yong’s Yi-ology and Poetics
摘要 邵雍的易学与诗学之间存在秩序谨严与安乐闲适的张力,这种张力表现为三个层次:第一,从他的易学思想来看,呈现出工夫的“后天易学”与自然的“先天易学”之间的割裂。第二,邵雍之学分为“物理之学”与“性命之学”,邵雍所观察和解释的客观世界是“一分为四”的,呈现出的特征就是秩序谨严,而对于主观世界,邵雍则强调个体生命境界的安乐闲适。第三,从他的诗歌创作来看,存在整体主义的形式与个体主义的内容间的张力,形式上有秩序严整的“四分体”与闭环的“首尾体”,主题上则以表现安乐闲适的情怀为主。这三个层次之间是同构的。 Shao Yong was not only a poet but also a scholar of Yi-ology in the Song Dynasty. He wrote a book named Huangji Jingshi Shu about the Yi-ology. Yichuan Jirang Ji is his collection of poems. At present, on the relationship between Shao Yong’s Yi-ology and poetics, researches usually lack holistic views and pay more attention to the consistency than the differences. In fact, there is a tension between Shao Yong’s Yi-ology and his poetics, which is manifested in three levels: Firstly,from his Yi-ology thought, one of the important contributions of Shao Yong’s Yi-ology is to put forward and define the concepts of Congenital Yi-ology and Acquired Yi-ology. Acquired Yi-ology are the books of Yi-ology that were handed down, while Congenital Yi-ology is the truth of Yi-ology before it was written on paper. The distinction between them has not only the significance of time,but also the philosophical significance of essence and use. Congenital Yi-ology is the root, Acquired Yi-ology is the implementation, and the two also show the characteristic difference between the Spontaneous and the Assiduous. Secondly, Shao Yong’s thought includes two parts: theory of physics and theory of life. The theory of physics corresponds to the objective world, while the theory of life corresponds to the subjective world. The objective world observed and explained by Shao Yong shows a sense of order in which he divided everything in the world into four parts.However, for the subjective world, Shao Yong thought about how to realize the happiness and leisure of individual life in Confucianism. The Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties has two personality tendencies of reverence and comfort. The Neo-Confucianism of Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi focuses on rigorousness and advocates moral heteronomy. People check themselves in this reverence and improve their personality realm. The Neo-Confucianism of Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming emphasizes the freedom of the mind, advocates moral self-discipline, and cultivates human nature in a state of
作者 程刚 Cheng Gang(Collegeof Liberal Arts,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China)
机构地区 暨南大学文学院
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第9期144-153,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 2021年度国家社会科学基金(21BZX067)。
关键词 邵雍 易学 诗学 秩序 安乐 Shao Yong Yi-ology poetics orderly comfort
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