
清初文坛的“破体”风尚与传奇小说的生存样态 被引量:2

The Fashion of“Po Ti”in the Early Qing Dynasty and the Existence Form of Chuanqi
摘要 清初文坛流行的“破体”风尚,既促成了传奇小说的繁荣,也形塑了其生存样态:或寄生于古文,如《虞初新志》所收《汤琵琶传》《李一足传》《补张灵、崔莹合传》等,即大多出于古文家之手,但因在叙事中偏爱“风韵”和“一二无关系之事”,遂与古文分道扬镳;或寄生于笔记,如钮琇《觚剩》中的《睐娘》《姜楚兰》《双双》等篇、王士祯《池北偶谈》中的《剑侠传》二则,情节完整,多奇情异致,迥异于寻常笔记;或寄生于志怪,如蒲松龄《聊斋志异》:就题材而言偏于志怪(“志异”),就写法而言则偏于传奇。对传奇小说的认定,包括了三个要素:体式上采用传、记,以一人或一事为中心,首尾完整;题材上偏于才子佳人、豪侠和隐士;修辞上铺写细腻、辞藻绚烂。只要符合这些标准,无论是文集里的,还是笔记里的,或是志怪集里的,均可视为传奇小说。 The fashion of“po ti”in the literary world in the early Qing Dynasty not only contributed to the prosperity of chuanqi(legend),but also shaped its form of existence.Some works exist in guwen,such as“Tang Pi Pa Zhuan,”“Li Yi Zu Zhuan,”“Bu Zhang Ling,Cui Ying He Zhuan”in Yu Chu Xin Zhi,which are mostly written by guwenjia(ancient prose writer).However,because of the preference for“feng yun”and“one or two things that have nothing to do with running a country”in the narrative,they were separated from the guwen.Some works exist in biji(anecdote),such as“Lai Niang,”“Jiang Chu Lan,”“Shuang Shuang”in Niu Xiu’s Gu Sheng and“Jian Xia Zhuan”in Wang Shizhen’s Chi Bei Ou Tan.Their plots are complete and most of them are romantic,which is different from ordinary biji.Some works exist in zhiguai(gods and ghosts stories),such as Pu Songling’s Liaozhai Zhiyi.As far as the subject matter is concerned,it is biased towards zhiguai(“zhiyi”),and in terms of the writing style,it is biased towards chuanqi.The identification of chuanqi includes three points.First,the genre adopts zhuan and ji,and the story is not only centered on one person or one thing,but also complete from beginning to end.Second,the subject matter is biased towards caizi jiaren(gifted scholars and beautiful ladies),hao xia(knights and warriors),and ying shi(hermits).Third,the rhetorical writing is delicate,and the vocabulary is gorgeous.As long as these criteria are met,no matter whether it is collected in the anthology,or in the biji,or in the zhiguai,it can be regarded as chuanqi.
作者 陈文新 Chen Wenxin(College of Chinese Language and Literature,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
机构地区 武汉大学文学院
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期66-73,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目“中国文学史著作整理、研究及数据库建设”(项目批准号:17ZDA243)的成果。
关键词 清初传奇小说 破体风尚 传、记体式 铺叙手法 题材 Chuanqi in the early Qing Dynasty fashion of Po Ti genre of Zhuan and Ji narration subject matter
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  • 1(清)黄宗羲著,陈乃乾编..黄梨洲文集[M].北京:中华书局,1959:539.
  • 2(清)张潮辑..虞初新志[M].石家庄:河北人民出版社,1985:426.










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